Roles & Privileges

Overview- Roles & Permissions

Roles and Permissions are central to Keka's functionality, defining what users can access and do within the system. Roles act as digital keys, granting specific access levels, such as HR managers modifying employee records or employees viewing their own details. Permissions specify actions users can perform once access is granted, ensuring sensitive information remains secure. Structured into categories, Keka's roles and permissions streamline employee data management, providing the right access for tasks while safeguarding critical information.


How to access Roles and permissions?

Click on Global Settings(1) then go to Roles & Permissions(2) from the menu placed on the left-hand side.

The Roles & Permissions tab is split into two sub-sections. User Roles are based on the administrative functions within the Keka HR Portal and determine who can add and edit what information on the portal. Implicit roles on the other hand are organizational roles like manager, department head and business head who may have additional responsibilities like creating and approving requests and other roles due to their roles within the organization but they do not need system administration responsibilities. Let us explore both of these types in detail. 

1) User Roles

In this section, you can assign roles like Global Admin, HR Manager, or Payroll Manager to employees, defining their access and responsibilities, such as managing payroll or approving settlements. You can also create custom roles and set specific permissions, ensuring employees have the right access to perform their tasks efficiently and securely.


To understand more about the User Roles tab and its functionality, click on this link: Understanding User Roles 

2) Implicit Roles

Implicit roles in Keka are assigned based on an employee's position, such as reporting manager or department head. These roles define access to tasks like managing sensitive data, employee documents, or financial information. You can customize implicit roles, enabling necessary actions and creating approval chains for processes like expense claims or asset approvals, ensuring operational efficiency and data security.

To understand more about the Implicit Roles tab and its functionality, click on this link: Understanding Implicit Roles

Roles and permissions are vital in ensuring that the Keka HR portal is efficiently used for various people processes in the organization. It allows you to create the necessary approval chains for important processes like financial information and employee onboarding and exits.

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