
Using Project Reports

Keeping track of your project's progress is crucial for successful project management. Keka PSA offers a variety of reports that deliver essential insights, allowing you to effectively monitor and manage your projects. In this article, we will guide you on how to access and leverage these project reports to evaluate performance and make well-informed decisions.


To access project reports, navigate to the Project section and select the Projects tab. Here, you will find a complete list of all active projects within your organization. If you wish to view all projects, you can also go to the All Projects section.

After locating the specific project for which you want to generate reports, click on it to open the project details page.



In the project details, you will find a dedicated Reports section that grants access to a variety of reports designed to help you assess the project's performance and gain valuable insights into its various dimensions.

One of the primary reports available is the Resource Work Hours report. This report enables you to monitor and analyze the total hours worked by each team member on the project. It includes a detailed breakdown of both billable and non-billable hours, allowing you to evaluate how effectively resources are utilized and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Another important report is the Task Work Hours report, which provides a thorough overview of the hours dedicated to each task within the project. By examining the work hours associated with tasks, you can evaluate progress, pinpoint potential bottlenecks, and implement necessary adjustments to ensure that project milestones are met on schedule.



Keka PSA also provides an extensive selection of additional reports that facilitate the analysis of project financials, tracking of expenses, monitoring of timelines, and assessment of profitability. These reports deliver critical data and insights that empower you to make informed, data-driven decisions, ultimately enhancing project performance.

For further details on these reports, please refer to the article dedicated to Reports in Keka PSA: Reports in Keka PSA