New Features

Setting Up and Managing the Task Approval Workflow in Keka

Keka's new task approval feature allows you to control task creation through customizable approval chains, track request statuses, and take action on pending approvals for improved project management.


Note: This feature is exclusively available to users subscribed to the highest tier plan.


Benefits of Task Approval Workflow

  • Improved control: Enhances oversight and governance over task creation.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Facilitates teamwork and decision-making through approval processes.
  • Reduced errors: Minimizes the creation of unauthorized or incorrect tasks.
  • Increased accountability: Clearly defines responsibility for task approval.
  • Streamlined workflow: Efficiently manages task creation and approval processes.
  • Enhanced project management: Better control over project scope and resources.


Task Approval Workflow

This feature provides control over task creation. It consists of three key components:

  • Setting Up an Approval Chain: Define the approval process by specifying approvers and their order.
  • Generating Task Creation Requests: Submit new tasks for approval.
  • Taking Action on Task Creation Requests: Approve, reject, or modify pending task creation requests.


Enable Task Approval

To initiate the task approval process, navigate to Policies and Settings, go to Approval Chain and click on Task Creation. Here, you'll find an option to enable task approval.





Define Approval Chain

Once enabled, you can configure the approval chain. This involves selecting approvers based on their roles or names. Additionally, you can set up automatic approval to bypass certain levels if no action is taken within a specified timeframe.




Task Creation and Approval Status

Creating tasks follows the same process as before. However, tasks requiring approval will display icons indicating their status: 'Pending Approval' or 'Rejected'. Once approved, the task will be created.



Clicking on the 'Rejected' icon provides details about why the task was rejected.




Approving or Rejecting Task Requests

You can review and take action on pending task creation requests in two ways:


1. For Team Members: Go to the My Team section of the software. Select the Timesheets tab. Click on the Approvals option. Choose the Pending Approvals tab to view tasks awaiting your approval.

2. For Global and Project Admins: Go to the My Team section of the software. Select the Timesheets tab. Click on the Approvals option. Choose the Pending Approvals tab to view tasks awaiting your approval.


Note: Tasks can have the following approval statuses:

  • Pending: The task is awaiting approval from the first approver in the chain.
  • Partially Approved: The task has been approved by some approvers but is still pending approval from others. You can view detailed approval history by clicking on the status.






You can approve or reject multiple tasks simultaneously (bulk actions) or process each task individually.




To learn more about how to add and modify tasks within projects, refer to the section on Adding and Modifying Tasks in Projects.

Click Here: Adding and Modifying Tasks in Projects