
Adding and Modifying Tasks in Projects



Keka PSA allows you to structure the project into different phases and tasks. This helps in breaking down the larger project into smaller actions that can be assigned to the resources working on this project.

If the project is milestone-based, you get the option to add milestones while configuring phases and tasks. 


Tasks can be classified as Billable or Non-Billable.

  • Billable tasks contribute to project billing by including hours worked.
  • Non-billable tasks exclude hours worked from project billing

Billing classifications can be adjusted by navigating to the Projects section on the left side of the screen, then selecting the Policies & Settings option, and finally choosing Billing Classification from the available settings. 



Note: You can also establish an estimated timeframe for the task. When employees submit their timesheets, the recorded hours are taken into account. This helps in assessing if the task is progressing as planned. If most of the estimated hours for a task have been used up but the task is not nearing completion, adjustments can be made to ensure it stays within the estimated timeframe or the timeframe itself can be modified. Additionally, you have the option to assign a status to the task. By default, tasks can be marked as Not Started or Completed.


Steps to add tasks and phases to projects. 

To access the Project section, go to the left navigation pane and click on Project (1), then select the Projects tab (2). Within the Project List page, you can view all the projects listed in Keka PSA. If you are looking to add tasks to a specific project, locate it in the Active Projects tab for projects currently In Progress. Other projects will be found in the All Projects tab.

Simply click on the desired project to proceed to the Project page.



If you have recently created a project, you can quickly access tasks by clicking on the Tasks link in the Get Started section of the page.



To access tasks, you can also go to the Tasks tab on this page. 

From here, you can begin adding tasks. If you prefer to first create a phase and then add tasks under it, simply click on +Create Phase.

Alternatively, if you want to start adding tasks directly, click on +Create Tasks. 



Note: There are three different methods to add tasks and phases to your projects:

1. Adding tasks and phases individually: This involves adding tasks and phases one by one. For example, in a software development project, you can add phases like Research, Concept, and Development, each with specific tasks under them.

2. Adding tasks and phases from the task template: You can use pre-configured task templates to quickly add tasks and phases to your project.

3. Importing tasks and phases in bulk using an Excel file: This method allows you to import multiple tasks and phases at once by using an Excel template.


To add phases individually, start by clicking on +Create Phase within the Tasks tab of the project. In the Phase Name field, input the name of the phase you are creating. Then, click on the Add icon located on the right to include the phase.

If you decide not to proceed with adding this phase, simply click on the Cancel icon.



Now, it's time to add the tasks that have been set up under this phase. Simply click on the + icon to the left of the Phase Name you just created, then choose Task from the drop-down menu to add a new task within this phase.


For further process into the phase details, simply click on the > icon. From there, you can add a task to the phase by clicking on the + icon and selecting "Task" from the drop-down menu.



When adding a new task, provide the Task Name, set the expected duration by choosing the Start Date and End Date from the Duration column's drop-down menu. Additionally, you can specify if the task is billable by selecting the suitable classification from the icon in the Billable column.


Note: In the Spent/Estimated Time section, you can input the total hours expected to complete the task. As team members log their hours worked on each task in timesheets, the spent hours column will automatically update. Make sure to enter the estimated hours for the task in this field. Additionally, you have the option to assign a stage to the task based on its progress.


Learn how to set up task stages by following these guidelines:

Once you have entered the details, click on Add to save the task. 



You have the flexibility to add tasks and phases by following the steps mentioned above. Additionally, you can easily rearrange the order of tasks or move them between phases. Simply click on the Reorder icon next to the task, and then drag and drop the task to the desired position for better organization.



To provide more details and assign the task to a resource within the project, you can add a description to the task. Simply click on the Description icon, then select the Edit icon from the drop-down menu. This action will take you to the Task Details page where you can input relevant information about the task.



On the Task Details page, you can provide additional information about the task to help the team members understand its scope and other important details. Simply enter a description in the designated field and click on Save to include it with the task.

Moreover, project managers and resources can add comments and attach files directly to the task from this page. To upload a file, click on the Attach File icon next to the comment box. The uploaded files will be visible on the screen.



To assign employees to a task that you have added to the system, simply click on the "Assign Employee" icon located on the tasks page.


To assign an employee to a task, simply utilize the search bar in the drop-down menu to look for the specific employee you wish to assign. You can also directly select the employee from the list that appears in the drop-down. Once selected, the task will be assigned to the chosen employee.



Note: Adding a milestone to a project is crucial, especially for Fixed Fee or Milestone based projects, where billing is based on milestone completion rather than hours logged. Breaking down the project into phases and tasks is essential for better organization, but defining milestones is equally important. 


You can easily add a milestone to your project in a similar manner as adding a phase or a task. Simply click on the Task window's + icon, then select Milestone from the drop-down menu to include a milestone in your project.


When adding a new milestone to your project, fill in the Milestone Name, completion Date, and the Amount to be paid upon milestone completion based on your client agreement.

You can indicate whether it is a billable or non-billable milestone by selecting the appropriate icon next to the date field. If marked as non-billable, you won't be able to enter a payment amount.

Click the Add icon to save the milestone with these details.



To import tasks and phases from task templates, simply go to the tasks page and click on the arrow next to the +Add Task button. From the drop-down menu that appears, select Import from template to add pre-configured tasks and phases to your project.



When you access the Import Task Template screen, you will find a list of pre-configured templates to choose from. Select the template that contains the phases and tasks you want to import. You can then easily select the specific tasks or phases you wish to add to your project by using the checkboxes provided.

Whether you want to import a whole phase with its tasks or individual tasks, you have the flexibility to make your selections. Additionally, you can streamline the process by using the Select All checkbox at the top of the screen to import all tasks at once.



After you have finished selecting your choices, proceed by clicking on the Next button.



Within the Preview Template section on the page, you have the opportunity to input details for the tasks being imported. This includes the expected duration of the task, billing classification, estimated hours, and task stage. You can also assign these tasks to the employees who are part of the project. Simply click on Save to complete the task import process.

To import tasks in large quantities, go to the Tasks page, click on the dropdown arrow, and select Bulk import tasks and phases from the options provided.



Upon selecting this option, you will be directed to the Bulk Import Tasks/Phases page. Here, you can access the Excel template designed for importing tasks and phases in large quantities. Simply click on the "Download Excel Template" button to get the template. Make sure to review the instructions provided on this page before populating the Excel file with the phases and tasks.



Within the Excel template, input a Phase Name field, followed by adding a task in the Task Name field to create a phase and configure a task underneath it.

If you wish to add another task to the same phase, use the phase name again and include the second task name. You can also solely create a phase by entering only the phase name without any task name linked in the same row. Similarly, you can create a standalone task by leaving the phase name field empty and including only the task name in a single row.

Include other essential details such as the task's start date and end date, a description of the task, and the estimated hours needed for completion. Additionally, you can designate a task stage by choosing it from the drop-down menu.



After entering the necessary details, save the file. Then, return to the Bulk import tasks/phases page and click on the "Upload Excel File" button to upload the Excel file that you have prepared and saved.



Upon reaching the Match Columns section, you can double-check that the columns in your Excel file match up correctly with the corresponding fields in Keka. Once you've confirmed this, simply click on Continue to move on to the Preview Data section. Here, any errors found in the uploaded file will be shown. Make any necessary changes to the file and re-upload if required. If there are no errors, click on Complete to finish uploading your tasks and phases.



This action will import the tasks and phases into the selected project.

Removing a phase, task, or milestone - To delete any of the elements you have added to the project, simply click on the three dots on the row associated with the element you wish to remove, and then choose the Delete option from the drop-down menu.



After confirming in the pop-up window, proceed by selecting "Confirm" to delete the task.

This concludes our guide on adding tasks, phases, and milestones to a project. If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our product experts today!

To explore more about the bulk import functionality for project tasks, please click here for detailed guidance. How to Import project Tasks in Bulk?