Job Settings

Managing employee referrals for a role



Employee Referrals and Internal job postings are perhaps two of the most efficient sources for recruiters. Referral programs often rank at the top of recruitment surveys as the most successful sources. IJPs facilitate growth for employees who are already working with you. This gives them an opportunity to take on new challenges or change their career paths.

The internal job portal of Keka Hire allows you to post internal job postings within the organization. Internal Job portals allow you to push your open positions to all the employees in the organization. You can enable people to refer candidates from their network externally, or allow employees themselves to apply for a role. 

In this article, we will see how you can enable the internal job portal for your organization, accept referrals from your employees, set up a policy for internal applicants, and accept internal applicants. Let's go. 

Enabling the Internal Job Portal and candidate referrals

The first thing to do is the enable the internal job portal for your organization which allows employees to see the jobs and refer candidates or apply for themselves. You can also setup your employee referral policy here.

To create or update an IJP Policy, go to Hire(1) and click on Settings (2) from the left navigation menu and navigate to Internal Job s & Referrals(3).

Select the option of Allow Employees to Refer Candidates to activate referrals for your Internal Job Postings.

If you wish to show the rejection reason to an employee for his/her referral, enable the option Show rejection reason to referrer. 

Managing your referral policy

To set up or update an existing referral policy, click on the +Add Referral Policy button.

Now you will be redirected to referral policy screen, where you can provide a set of rules that will be displayed to employee if they wish to refer someone internally. Click on Save to update your referral policy rules. 

Enabling referrals for jobs

Let us see how you can enable referrals form employees when you are posting a job. 

While creating a new job on Keka,  after filling the Job Details section of the flow, in the Publish section, you will find the option to Allow Employees to Refer Candidates. Select this checkbox. The job, when you publish it, will also be visible to your internal employees and they can then refer candidates for the role from their network. 

We hope you now have a better understanding of how to configure and update the Internal Job Portal on Keka Hire. Have more questions? Contact our Product Experts right away!