Employee Engagement

Introduction to Pulse 2.0

Pulse surveys are some of the preferred tools for businesses to stay informed about employee happiness. With quick and easy surveys that won't burden anyone's schedule, you can effortlessly stay informed about your team's mood. It's like giving your company culture a regular checkup, facilitating a clear understanding of how things are going and enabling necessary improvements.


With Keka's Pulse feature, it goes beyond just checking the pulse; it provides insights into the overall employee experience. Our pulse surveys touch on aspects like job satisfaction, team dynamics, and communication, providing you with a 360-degree view of employee experience in your organization. 


Stakeholders can use this data to understand where they excel and where they lack. This helps you cultivate a positive workplace culture, promptly address concerns, and elevate the overall work environment. 


The new and improved Pulse 2.0 will be live on 2nd February 2024. All your configured pulse surveys running on the previous version of this feature will stop functioning from this date. You can configure new pulse surveys using the new version of the feature starting 5th February 2024. All data from the previous pulse surveys will still be available with the new feature. You will NOT lose any data due to this change.


How to launch Pulse for your organization?


The new and improved pulse feature on your Keka HR Portal can be setup quite easily. We have a scoring mechanism that consists of 10 distinct metrics that lets you measure employee pulse with a lot of detail and data to back it up.


To understand more about launching and managing pulse for your organization click on this link: Launching and Managing Pulse for your Organization


Gathering employee response


The employees will be shown a series of five questions every week upon logging into their Keka portal. These questions will be displayed on the dashboard of their portal.  A comprehensive set of data insights will be accessible after a 2-3 week period, ensuring a thorough and meaningful analysis.


To understand more about gathering responses from employees click on this link: Gathering Employee Responses for Pulse


Analyzing Pulse data


The pulse data collected from the employees can be analysed using various metrics ranging from an overall engagement score, participation rate, changes in metrics. You can also view this data across departments or business units. You can also view question level analytics to see how your employees have responded to each question. 


To understand more about Pulse Analytics click on this link: Analyzing Pulse Data