Employee Exits

Exits Module Revamped: Comparing the Old vs. New UI

Discover Keka's revamped Exits module with a new UI, combining efficiency and simplicity. Learn how Phase 2 improves the employee exit process.

Keka unveils the new user interface (UI) for the Exits module, designed to simplify and enhance your workflow. The updated interface introduces a streamlined, phase-based structure, merging multiple tabs from the old UI into a single cohesive process. This update not only improves navigation but also ensures a more efficient and organized exit management experience for HR professionals and managers.

This article provides a detailed comparison of the old and new UIs, explains the changes in functionality, and highlights the benefits of the revamped Exits module.

Old UI: Workflow Overview

In the previous version of the Exits module, the workflow was distributed across four separate tabs:

  1. Pending Approval
  2. In Exit Process
  3. Full & Final (F&F)
  4. Exited Employees

Each tab served a specific purpose, but the scattered structure required users to navigate multiple screens to manage the exit process. Below is a breakdown of the old process:

Resignations and Terminations:

  • When an employee submitted a resignation or was terminated, the request appeared in the reporting manager’s inbox.
  • Once the reporting manager accepted the request, it was moved to the Pending Approval tab.

Global Admin/HR Manager Actions:

  • The Global Admin or HR Manager accessed the Pending Approval tab to review and take action on the request.
  • On the "Take Action" screen, they could:
    • Approve the exit request.
    • Enable the Exit Survey for the employee.
    • Add Exit Tasks (e.g., return of assets, handovers).
  • Once approved, the request moved to the In Exit Process tab.

Full & Final Settlement:

  • In the In Exit Process tab, the Process and Settle option was used to handle the Full & Final (F&F) settlement.
  • After settlement, the employee’s profile was moved to the Full & Final tab.

Exited Employees:

  • Once all formalities were completed, including surveys, tasks, and F&F settlement, the employee’s profile was finally moved to the Exited Employees tab.

New UI: What’s Changed?

In the new UI, the entire workflow is integrated into a single Exits Process tab. The process is now divided into three distinct phases, making it easier to track and manage exits at every stage. The new structure eliminates unnecessary steps, reduces complexity, and enhances visibility. Here's how it works:

Phases in the New UI

  1. Under Review:


    • All new exit requests—resignations or terminations—appear in this phase.
    • The HR Manager or Admin reviews and approves requests directly from this phase.
  2. Exits in Progress:

    • Once approved, the exit request moves to this phase.
    • Here, admins can:
      • Assign and track Exit Tasks.
      • Enable and review the Exit Survey.
      • Process the Full & Final (F&F) settlement.
  3. Exited Employees:

    • Once all exit formalities, including tasks, surveys, and settlements, are completed, the employee’s profile moves to this phase.
    • This phase serves as a record of all exited employees, providing easy access to historical data when needed.

Comparison: Old vs. New UI

Feature/Aspect Old UI New UI
Structure Four separate tabs for different stages. A single tab with three phases.
Exit Request Handling Requests appear under the Pending Approval tab. Requests appear in the Under Review phase.
Task & Survey Management Managed after approval in In Exit Process. Managed in the Exits in Progress phase.
Full & Final Settlement Handled in In Exit Process and moved to Full & Final. Handled directly in the Exits in Progress phase.
Employee Record Separate Exited Employees tab. Included as a phase in the same workflow.



The new Exits UI represents a significant improvement in functionality and user experience. With its phase-based approach, consolidated workflow, and enhanced navigation, managing employee exits has never been easier. Explore the revamped module today and experience the benefits firsthand!

For a comprehensive guide on the updated process, visit our detailed help article: Keka Exits Revamped Guide.

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