
Allocating resource time with more precision

In Keka PSA, the Resource Management feature has been enhanced to provide greater flexibility in assigning team members to projects.

Previously, you could only allocate an employee's time using fixed percentages such as 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%. Now, you have the ability to choose any value between 0% and 100%, allowing you to customize allocations to meet the specific demands of your projects.


You can set these allocations in two ways: either by selecting the desired percentage from a dropdown menu or by entering it manually. This means that if you need a team member to be allocated at 66% or even 25%, you can easily do so. This increased flexibility is particularly beneficial for managing team members who possess specialized skills or hold senior positions.


You have two options for adjusting these settings:

**Method 1:**

Begin by selecting the 'Project' option (1) in the left navigation pane, and then navigate to the 'Projects' tab (2). Make sure you are on the 'Project List' (3) tab to view all the projects available in your portal.



On this page, you will find a comprehensive list of projects available in your portal. To add resources to a specific project, simply locate and click on the project you wish to manage, which will take you to its detailed view.


On the Team tab, make sure to select the Active Allocation tab, then click on the +Add Resource button to include a new team member for the project.



On the Add Resource page, you have the flexibility to add team members to your projects. Begin by searching for the employee you wish to include as a resource and select their name from the list. To set the allocation for this employee, simply click on the Set Allocation button.

Next, specify the start and end dates for the allocation. In the allocation percentage section, you will find the enhanced options available for allocation. Once you have made your selections, click Done to finalize the allocation.



**Method 2:**

You can also oversee resource allocations by navigating to the Resource tab within the Project section and utilizing the Resource Planner tool.



Select the desired resource and click on the "Allocate Project" button. This action will open a new window for you to proceed with the allocation.



In this interface, you can designate a project for the selected resource and configure the allocation in the same manner as outlined in Method 1.



You are now fully equipped to effectively manage resource allocations within your organization, ensuring that each project is staffed according to its specific needs.

To explore further details on managing resource allocation settings in Keka PSA, please click here: Managing resource allocation settings for Keka PSA