
Managing resource allocation settings for Keka PSA



Setting common parameters is crucial for maximizing the features of Keka PSA. This includes determining resource allocation criteria, defining weekly offs, identifying bench employees, and establishing daily work hours. These settings play a vital role in managing Keka PSA effectively.


Steps to Configure:

Go to Project (1) from the left navigation pane. Select the Resources tab (2) and then go to the Settings tab (3).

Here, you'll find a set of options that you can set which will determine how Keka PSA is configured. Click on Edit Settings to edit these current settings. 



This will provide you with the opportunity to modify the settings or establish them for the first time if they have not been set up yet.


Managing resource eligibility

Within Keka PSA, you have the ability to designate certain employees as unavailable for project assignments. This includes the option to exclude entire departments, such as HR and Legal, from project considerations. Additionally, you can specify particular job titles to be ineligible for project allocation.


To configure:

Navigate to the Edit Resource Settings page. Begin by focusing on the Exclude Employees of these departments for resource allocation field. Here, you can select the departments you wish to exclude from project assignments.

Next, you can exclude specific job titles from consideration by selecting them from the organization's list. Once you have made your selections, click on Save to apply these new settings.



Managing Capacity settings

Capacity settings in Keka PSA help you determine the total hours available for allocation per day and when a resource is considered to be on the bench.


To Configure:

In the Edit Resource Settings window, under Capacity Settings, you can specify the number of hours allocated to each resource on a typical day. This ensures that resources can only submit timesheets for the designated number of hours per day, with the default value being 8 hours in Keka PSA.


Note: Another important aspect is defining when a resource is on the bench. There are two options available for consideration:

1. No project allocated to a resource - Choosing this option means that any resource without assigned projects will be automatically considered on the bench.

2. Only non-billable projects allocated to a resource - If resources are assigned only non-billable projects, they will be considered on the bench.


Based on your organization's requirements, you have the flexibility to choose either one or both of these options. After making your selections, simply click on the Save button to implement these settings.



To get to know the bulk upload of resource allocation.

Click here: Bulk Upload of Resource Allocation