How to Edit Invoice Number Series?

Every Invoice has a unique number called the invoice number. It is used for account and record keeping especially when there are multiple invoices generated every month. In Keka for Timesheet Invoicing, you can add your own Invoice number series. This helps you automate the invoice numbers instead of adding them manually every time.

To edit the invoice number Series for Timesheet invoices go to Projects (1) and select Finances (2). Here navigate to Settings (3) and under Billing Entries (4) you will see the Billing Entities added.

Now select the Billing Entity you want and under Project Billing, you can see Invoice Number Series. Click on the Edit icon available beside the Upcoming invoice number series.

In the window, you can edit the Number and the Suffix and click Update. This will update the invoice number from the next invoice generated.

Hope the process to edit the Invoice number series is now clear. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available or Contact us!