Manage Hiring Process

Workflow Automation in Keka Hire

This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to create and automate hiring workflows using the Workflow Automation feature of Keka Hire. This can help you streamline and optimize your recruitment workflows. By automating repetitive tasks and manual processes, you can save time, increase efficiency, and enhance the overall candidate experience.


Introduction to Workflow Automation

  • Are you interested in automatically rejecting candidates who do not meet minimum experience criteria? 
  • Would you like to notify candidates when they advance the stages in your hiring process?
  • Do you want to tag candidates with certain skill sets and experience level to organise their hiring process?

Engaging in these manual and repetitive tasks for each candidate can consume a significant amount of your time and effort. Introducing Workflow Automation by Keka Hire that can help you establish automation to streamline your repetitive hiring processes. 

Creating Job Workflows

Global Admins, Super Recruiters would have privilege by default to create Workflows. Hiring Managers and Recruiters can be given access to create Workflows using Privileges in Users & Permissions - Create Workflow and View Workflow

Workflows can be created from Settings as well as from within a Job as well. 

From Settings

Users having access to Create Workflows can find this option to create Job Workflows (applicable to a particular job) under Keka Hire Settings>> Hiring>> Workflow Automation>> Job Workflow>> Create Workflow.


Changes to Event Triggers in Keka Hire

Keka Hire has now rebranded Event Triggers that are available in the system as Global Workflows. Event Triggers that were available under Settings>>Notification>.Event Triggers has now been moved under Settings>> Hiring>>Workflow Automation>>Global Workflow.



From Jobs

Users with workflow creation access can find this option under the particular Job>> Workflow Automation>> Create Workflow

You can start with a quick template or can create your customized workflow in order to achieve the desired automation. 

The following quick templates are available out of the system:-

  • Archive candidates based on minimum work experience 
  • Update stage of inbound applicants
  1. Start by entering the Title of the workflow and a Description(optional) which can be referred to at a later stage for any one to understand the expected outcome of the flow.
  2. There are three elements to define a workflow - Event, Conditions and Actions
    1. Events : An event would be the trigger point of the workflow which would specify when to start your workflow. Example: When a Candidate is added to the job
    2. Conditions: A condition or a set of conditions can be used to further define the continuation of the workflow. This would indicate the flow will continue only when the condition is met. Example: Source is equal to Career Portal or if Sourced By is Jamie Foster. This would mean the flow will continue only if Candidate's source is Career Portal or is Sourced by Jamie Foster respectively
    3. Actions: This defines the activity or multiple activities that should be taken every time the occurence of event happens and the conditions are met. Example: Send Email can be an Action taken on candidates who are added to job and meet conditions defined under Conditions  


In order to complete creation of a workflow, all three elements - Event, Conditions and Actions has to be defined. 

Using Event, Conditions and Actions in creation of Workflow

Events: Any recruitment activity for an existing Job, begins with sourcing of candidates. In workflow, there are three trigger points or the events. Namely Candidate added to Job, Candidate Stage is Updated and Candidate is Archived. You can select an Event based on the use case of your recruitment process. Please note that only a single event can be selected at a time.


Conditions: Any specifications to a workflow can be achieved through defining conditions. The Workflow automation allows Users to choose from range of conditions that can be used for targeted filtering. Be it Source, Candidate Info, Screening questions or even Reference. By default, Job title is the preset which indicates workflow application to only particular Job and not any other Job in the system.


Actions: While emails are one of the most common actions taken in recruitment, Workflow Automation provides next most commonly used actions to choose from. This includes Moving stage of candidates, Tagging of candidates, Archiving or Rejection of candidates along with notification, or even moving them into one of the Talent pools. 


All Users need is to define a Workflow to match your recruitment needs of What actions to taken on trigger of conditional event. Currently, this is set of Events, Conditions and Actions for Users to choose from:-




Candidate is added to a job

Application Source
Application Sourced By
Application Referred By
Experience level
Expected Salary
Preferred and Current Location
Email address
Initial Screening question Responses
Candidate Tag
Candidate Owner
Previous Company information

Send email

Move Stage of Candidate

Archive Candidate (with Notify Candidate)

Add Tag (to Candidate)

Move to Talent Pool

Move to Another Job
Assign Owner


Candidate Stage is Updated From (Stage) and To (Stage)

Application Source
Application Sourced By
Application Referred By
Experience level
Expected Salary
Preferred and Current Location
Email address
Initial Screening question Responses
Candidate Tag
Candidate Owner
Previous Company information

Send email

Archive Candidate (with Notify Candidate)

Add Tag (to Candidate)

Move to Talent Pool

Move to Another Job
Assign Owner
Candidate is archived from Job Archive Reason

Application Source
Application Sourced By
Application Referred By
Experience level
Expected Salary
Preferred and Current Location
Email address
Initial Screening question Responses
Candidate Tag
Candidate Owner
Previous Company information

Send email

Add Tag (to Candidate)

Move to Talent Pool

Move to Another Job
Assign Owner

Key note for Actions: Multiple similar actions cannot be added. Eg: if there is a Move Stage action, there cannot be another action 'Move stage' in the same workflow. However, this is not applicable for Action: Send email as multiple emails are allowed actions. Additionally, conflicting Actions are not supported as listed below:-

Action Conflicting Action
Move to Another Job Assign Owner, Archive Candidate, Move to Talent Pool
Move to Talent Pool Assign Owner
Assign Owner Move to Another job, Move to Talent Pool
Archive Candidate Move to Talent Pool

Understanding Conditions

Conditions are important element of the Workflow and should be very carefully used in order to achieve desired outcomes from the automation. 

Any or All: Multiple conditions can be defined in the workflow. Along with that, users can pick whether All(AND operator between conditions) or Any(OR operator between conditions) should be used as a logic.

Grouping of Conditions

The power of using Workflow Automation engine is such that it can also accommodate for grouping the conditions together to create them as a block and operate between multiple blocks to have a desired outcome. A good usage of this can be for cases where certain parameters in a candidate can be compromised for others, For example:- 

[Candidate's Experience is more than 4 years]


[Candidate experience is less than 4 years AND Skills are Mobile App developer, DevOps]

Here's how to use Grouping of Conditions

Between two groups, Users can either apply AND or OR

Point to Note: Multiple similar conditions cannot be added in ONE group and has to added within Different group. For Eg: If experience > 10 years is used in a group then experience cannot be added in the same condition block. It can be used again in a new group.

Additionally, in a job, Users will not be able to create multiple workflows that have same Event + conditions + operator.

If Workflow A includes Condition1 AND Condition2 OR Condition3, and a User attempts to create another workflow, Workflow B, with the same condition setup of Condition1 AND Condition2 OR Condition3, the system will recognize this duplication and prevent the creation of redundant conditional-event workflows.

Warning: While using a particular Job field in Conditions, ensure that those field are captured in application, If they are not available or are removed, then that Event Workflow containing specific condition will be skipped and Action will not be taken. For Example, if Experience field is optional in the application form of a job but are used in Conditions of any workflow on that job. In case the candidates do not fill that, then ca