Organization & Employees

Using polls to engage your employees

The Polls feature in Keka HR's Engage module is a powerful tool for gathering opinions and feedback from employees. This guide will walk you through the process of creating, customizing, and managing polls to ensure you can effectively engage with your workforce.

Accessing the Polls Section

To access the Polls section in Keka HR, simply log in to your account and navigate to the Org(1) section in the left-hand menu. From there, click on the Engage(2) tab and select Polls(3) to open the Polls section.


Creating a New Poll

In the Polls section, click on the 'New Poll' button located on the right side of the screen. Alternatively, you can click on 'Create Poll' if no polls have been created yet.

Enter Poll Details

  • Poll Question(1): Enter the main question you want to ask.
  • Description(2): Provide a brief description or context for the poll.

Add Poll Options

  • Click on Add Option(3) to enter the possible answers for the poll.
  • You can add as many options as needed by clicking on the Add Option(4) link.

Poll Settings


Select Target Audience(1)

  • Choose whether the poll is for All employees or Specific employees.
  • If selecting specific employees, you can filter by Department and Location.
Notify Users by Email(2)
  • Choose whether to notify users by email about the poll. Select Yes or No.

Poll Expiry Date(3)

  • Set an expiry date for the poll by clicking on the 'Select Date' field and choosing a date from the calendar.

Additional Settings

Multiple Options Voting

  • Enable this option if you want users to vote for multiple options.

Allow Custom Answers

  • Allow users to add their own answers to the poll by enabling this setting.

Exclude Employees on Notice Period

  • If needed, you can exclude employees who are on notice period from participating in the poll.

Hide Voter Identity

  • Enable this option to keep the voters' identities anonymous.

Finalizing the Poll]


Save Draft or Publish

Once you have entered all the details and configured the settings, you have two options:

  • Save Draft: Save the poll as a draft if you need to make further changes before publishing.
  • Publish: Publish the poll to make it live and accessible to the target audience.

Managing Existing Polls

Viewing Polls

  • In the Polls section, you can view all the polls that have been created.
  • Use the Search bar to find specific polls or filter them by Added by, Date Range, Department, and Location.

Editing Polls

  • To edit an existing poll, click on the three dots on poll you want to modify and click Edit.
  • Make the necessary changes and either save the draft again or republish the poll.

Deleting Polls

  • If you need to delete a poll, select the poll from the list and click on the 'Delete' icon.
  • Confirm the deletion in the popup window that appears.

Poll Stats

  • If you need to view stats of a poll, select the view stats from the list 
  • Poll stats provide information on responses, comments, and the total number of votes for each option. Additionally, it displays the employee names who responded to the survey if the anonymity feature is not enabled.

Download Report


  • If you need to download report of a poll, select the download report from the list 
  • The excel report will have the employee name and response provided by the employee


By using the Polls feature in Keka HR Engage, you can easily collect valuable feedback from your employees, making it a vital tool for enhancing communication and engagement within your organization. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.