Using Attendance Request Reports
To effectively manage attendance and related requests, Keka offers a range of comprehensive reports. Let's explore each of these reports and their purposes:
- Attendance Regularizations Summary
Attendance adjustment and regularization requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Partial Day Requests
Partial Day requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Remote Clock-in Requests Summary
Remote clock-ins & outs requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Working Remotely (WFH/OD) Requests
WFH/OD requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Web Clock-ins (includes Forgot ID requests)
Web clock-ins done by employees for the chosen period.
- Working Remotely (WFH/OD) Clock-In/Out
Employees' clock-in/out timings along with coordinates & clock-in/out location, for the selected period.
- Remote Clock-ins
Employees' remote punch (In/Out) along with coordinates & address of punch, for the selected period.
- Mobile Location Punches
Employees' location punches along with coordinates & address, for the selected period.
- Overtime Requests
Overtime requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Shift & Weekly Off Requests
Shift/Weekly Off requests made by employees for the chosen period and their status.
- Web Clock-ins
Employees' web punch (In/Out) along with ip address of punch, for the selected period.
These reports help Organizations manage attendance-related activities, requests, and adjustments effectively.
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