New Features

User-Level Integration of Google Meet and Google Calendar

Keka Hire now allows users to seamlessly integrate their Google Meet and Google Calendar accounts directly at the profile level. This integration provides enhanced control and flexibility when it comes to scheduling and conducting interviews.

To get started with this integration, follow these steps:

  • Log in to Keka Hire as a global admin or super recruiter and head over to the Settings section.

  • Navigate to Integrations and enable the Google Calendar and Google Meet integration.

  • After enabling the integration, any admin, recruiter, or user with scheduling privileges can integrate their profile with Google Meet and Calendar. Simply go to your profile, click on Integrations, and enable the Google Calendar integration. Then follow the same steps to enable the Google Meet integration.

  • Make sure to grant all necessary permissions when setting up the integration to successfully schedule the interview and block calendars.

Note: With profile-level integration, any user of Keka Hire with the privilege of scheduling an interview will be able to integrate Google Meet or Calendar with their Gmail account, even without having G Suite admin access.

Each user also has the ability to remove or disable this integration from their profile if they prefer. Post that, they will no longer be able to schedule online interviews using Google Meet as the meeting platform.

Now that you're all set up with the Google Meet and Google Calendar integration, you can easily schedule interviews. Once an interview is scheduled, the calendar of the user who initiated the scheduling will be automatically blocked.