
Tracking Resource Utilization across projects

Effectively allocating resources and managing their time is essential for maximizing the value derived from these resources while ensuring that projects progress seamlessly. In some cases, resources may be allocated to multiple projects, particularly when they possess specialized skills or hold senior positions.

Gaining insights into resource utilization across various projects and over time enables you to identify gaps and address issues, ensuring that projects operate efficiently and that the most suitable resources are assigned to each task based on specific requirements.


What benefits does resource utilization offer organizations?

Monitoring resource utilization provides numerous advantages, including:

- Project managers can effectively track the utilization rates of resources assigned to their projects. This enables them to identify and remove underperforming resources, thereby maintaining optimal utilization levels.

- Resource managers gain valuable insights into resource utilization across different projects. This understanding allows for more efficient resource management. Underutilized resources can be assigned to additional projects with pending requests, enhancing their utilization. Furthermore, a clear grasp of current resource utilization can aid in streamlining new hiring processes and related activities.


To monitor resource utilization effectively, navigate to the analytics feature within Keka PSA. Start by selecting "Project" from the left navigation pane, then click on the "Analytics" tab. Make sure you are on the "Insights" tab to access detailed resource utilization data.



On the left pane, you will find a variety of insights. Under the "Resource Insights" heading, several reports related to resource utilization are available for your review.


There are three key reports that can assist you in monitoring utilization effectively. Here’s a brief overview of each:

**Utilization Percentage**

The Utilization Percentage report provides an overview of resource usage at the project level. This report allows you to see how resources assigned to a specific project are currently being utilized. You can filter the data by selecting a particular client and project from the drop-down menus labeled "Clients" and "Projects."


To get started, choose the client you wish to analyze and then select the corresponding project for which you want to track utilization. The chart titled "Available Hours & Utilization Percentage" will display the utilization data for various resources. Additionally, you can specify the time period for the data by using the drop-down menu located at the top of the page.

Utilization percentages are calculated based on total available hours, which depend on the overall hours a resource works and how their time is allocated to the project. You will find the Actual Utilization, which represents the total hours logged as a percentage of total available hours, alongside the Billable Utilization Percentage, indicating the total number of billable hours logged by the resource as a percentage of total available hours.


By hovering over the chart for a specific resource, you can view a detailed breakdown of the data, including total available hours, billable and non-billable hours, as well as the Utilization Percentage.



You can also access the detailed data presented in a table format below the chart. If you wish to download this information for further analysis, simply click on the Download Icon.



**Utilization Percentage by Timeline - Organization Level**

This report provides an overview of resource utilization across various projects within each billing entity in your organization. It aggregates data according to the selected timeframe, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of how resources are allocated over time.


To begin, select the desired billing entity from the available options if you have multiple entities configured. You can then choose the timeframe from the drop-down menu located at the top of the chart, as well as specify the format in which you would like the data to be displayed. The utilization percentage can be viewed on a Month-on-Month, Quarterly, or Year-on-Year basis, offering insights into trends and changes in resource utilization over the selected periods.



This report is particularly beneficial for analyzing resource utilization trends over a specified time frame, allowing you to observe how utilization levels fluctuate over time.

Similar to the previous report, you can hover over specific sections of the chart to obtain detailed information regarding the breakdown of data.

Additionally, the tabular data is conveniently located on the same page. If you wish to download this information for further analysis, simply click on the download icon to save it in Excel or PDF format.


**Utilization Percentage by Timeline - Project Level**

This report illustrates the trend of resource utilization over time for a specific project. To access the data, you will need to select both a client and a project, as well as specify the desired time period for your analysis. You also have the option to determine how the data should be grouped. If you wish to track changes in utilization on a monthly basis, select the Month-on-Month option; alternatively, you can choose Quarter-on-Quarter or Year-on-Year groupings.

By hovering over the chart, you can access important information regarding utilization for each selected period. The chart data can also be viewed in a tabular format, and you can download the information for further review by clicking the download icon.



These reports and charts are invaluable tools for optimizing project efficiency and effectively monitoring the productivity of your essential resources.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our product experts for assistance!

For additional insights and guidance, please explore our resource titled

"Unlocking Your Business Potential with Keka PSA Analytics." : Unlocking Your Business Potential with Keka PSA Analytics