Employee Exits

Retaining an employee in the exit process

Organizations often make efforts to retain valuable talent, even when an employee has made the decision to leave the company. This can involve discussions, role adjustments, or offering better compensation packages to persuade departing employees to stay. In the Keka HR Portal, you have the option to halt the exit process and retain an employee, even if they've already started the exit process. Here's how you can do it:


You can choose to retain an employee from their profile or within the Org section of the portal. Both methods are explained below.


1. From the employee profile



Search for the employee in the search bar at the top of the portal. Find the employee profile and open it. If the employee has initiated their exit, you will see a section on their profile that prompts you to take action on the exit and update the exit details. 


Click on Take Action here. 



On the Take Exit Action window, you will see 2 options. Select No, We are Retaining the Employee. You will then be prompted to enter a summary of the discussion that happened with the employee and the decisions taken to retain them in the organization. Enter the comment and then click Save. 


This will retain the employee in the system and cancel the exit process that was initiated. 


2. From the Org section


The second method to do this is from the Org section on the Keka HR Portal. Navigate to Org (1) from the left navigation pane and select the Exits tab (2).  Go to the Pending Approvals tab (3). Here you will find all the employees for whom the exit process has been initiated. Find the employee you want and then click on Take Action (4) in the Actions column. 



In the Take Exit Action window, select the No, We are Retaining The Employee option and enter a comment to summarize the discussions you had with the employee and the decisions taken. Click Save. This will cancel the exit process and retain the employee in your organization's Keka HR Portal. 



If the exit request has been approved, you cannot use this method. You have to cancel the exit process and re-join the employee with the same joining date. 


This is how you can retain employees who are in the exit process on the Keka HR Portal. More questions? Talk to our product experts!