Pre Boarding FAQ's

1. We are unable to move to candidate to Hired Stage?

A. 'Hired' as a stage is now totally removed. But in the background, any candidate whose offer is accepted will be automatically treated as "Hired". So there should not be any issues with respect to analytics / reports / any other linked functionality. 


2. How do we set approval for tasks to Recruiter? The approval on tasks only shows all the roles added on the Keka portal. It does not show the Recruiter for that particular job on the ATS.

A. In Keka Hire > Users & Permissions, there is a role called "Verify Candidate Documents" under "Employee Keka Preboarding Implicit Privileges". If this option is selected, for the specifc role, the users who are tagged to that role will be able to approve tasks / verify documents, given there is an approver added for the task (not necessarily the recruiter). Very soon, we are also planning to bring 'Recruiter' roles to be added as task approvers



3. In the updated pre-boarding module how to collect the docuements?

A. Collecting documents is now done via Task templates. We can create specific task templates for document collecting.  Refer to our article on Task Templates .


4. We are not getting the option to download the offer letter, previously we were able to, how can we do that?

A. Download offer letter can be done from candidate profile currently. We will get this option back soon on the Preboarding page itself.



4. If we don't have Keka Hire Subscription what can be done?

A. Currently Preboarding is available for Hire customers only. We are planning to extend this to all customers very soon.


5. Can we lock the documents which the candidate already uploaded, Where they will be restricted to edit or delete it without the approval ?

A. Once the candidate uploaded the document and marked a task as completed, he/she will not be able to make any changes to that task.


6How we can accept offer letter on behalf of candidates?

A. There is an option available to 'Update offer status' on behalf of the candidate available.



7. Could we provide Preboarding process access to recruiter? 

A. Preboarding is available for Recruiters & Super-recruiters. Onboarding is not be available for recruiters currently.


8. Keka hire users are not able to assign tasks in Keka Portal?

A. Currently tasks permission is available for HRMS roles (eg: HR Executive). So recruiters might not be able to access tasks. A quick workaround would be to get in touch with the CS SPOC (or the internal users who have access to Tasks) and sort out the tasks needed during Preboarding. Or, alternatively, if there is a "Custom roles" add-on avaialble, please add a new role with 'Manage onboarding tasks' permission and add relevant recruiters to that role. However, we are trying to come up with a solution for this in the product itself soon.

Note: Recruiters will still be able to verify the documents based on their permissions.


9. Will the candidate move to New Joiner based on the given Date Of Joining value? or after Candidate has accepted the offer?

A. Once the candidate accepts offer, he/she will move to New Joiners page. In New Joiners page, there are tabs separated based on Date Of Joining. If a candidate is joining today, he/she is shown under 'Today' tab. Similarly if he/she is joining after 3 days, they are shown under 'Later' tab.


10. Who is responsible for candidate on-boarding recruiter or onboarding team?

A. Preboarding is generally handled by the recruiters. A few days before the joining, recruiters hand-off the candidates to Onboarding Specialists / HR Executives. From there on, Onboarding team looks after the Onboarding formalities of the new employees.


11. How do we delete redundant and duplicate tasks that were created erroneously?

A. Go to Org > Onboarding > Task Templates. Click on the 3-dot menu against the task you want to delete. Select 'Delete' from the options.


12. How will Candidate do the E-signature?

A. By including e-signature for the candidate in offer template, candidates will get a pop-up by clicking on the placeholder, where they would be able to draw / add signature.


13. In case recruiter/Approver reject the uploads, what will happen?

A. The system will send the email to candidate about documents rejection and asks for the reupload of rejected documents.


14. We didn't had the preboarding feature implemented before,  So If I want to configure this now, how can I do that ?

A. If you are a Hiro user, we can configure the preboarding in HRMS. Kindly drop us an email at, our team will help you on configuring this.  Very soon we are bringing it to be available for Non-Hire users also.


15. How we can delete a candidate from the Preboarding or Archive stage?

A. Deleting candidates is not available. Only archiving is available currently.


16. In preboading if the tasks are assigned how to skip or unassign those tasks?

A. Admins can skip tasks if they are not relevant for the candidate. Go to candidate profile > Tasks tab > Select the required tasks and skip



17. Do we need to pay more than current plan of Keka Hire to access Onboarding?

A. Currently this feature is available for all Hiro users with advanced plan. In the future, there would be changes as we plan to include Preboaridng in HRMS package, which would be communicated accordingly.


18. Can we upload recorded sessions to the pre-boarding as part of candidate induction?

A. Currently, we can provide the video link in the task description.


19. We want to initiate the back ground verification. I don't see that option in Preboarding ?

A. BGV for pre-joining cases is coming soon. BGV for post-join cases is already available.


20. From where can we see if the candidate has opened or logged in the link to upload the tasks assigned of preboarding?

A. Status whether the candidate has logged in is not displayed in the new Preboarding. But when a candidate completes upload of documents and submits a task, their status can be seen from Candidate profile > Tasks. Also, if all the tasks are completed from the candidate's end, the CTA changes to the next appropriate action.


21. I am the Admin for Keka Hire but I never get any notification or mail whenever candidate upload their documents?

A. Whenever a candidate completes a task (say uploads a document), appovers receive an inbox item requesting to verify the document. Recuiters / Hire Global Admins will also be able to verify these documents (given required permissions are enabled), but they would not receive an email for the same.


22. Previously we have added  a table (Containing CTC structure) in email containing the offer letter but now there is no option of adding a table?

A. Currenly email template when releasing the offer letter does not support tables. We are trying to bring that functionality back. However, you can still add email templates in Hire > Settings > Email templates > Offer release (Category) and those will be available when releasing offer.


23. Does "Task Applies to"  apply for a candidate or the employee?

A. Applies to is designed in such a way that it is applicable to Candidates & Employees based on the stage that the task is configured for. If it is a Preboarding stage it applies to Candidates. Post joining, it is for Employees.


24. How to unassigned the task?

A. If you would like to skip a few tasks for a candidate, you can do that given you have the privileges. If it is for a candidate, it can be done from Candidate profile > Tasks. For employees, you can also go to Org > Onboarding > Onboarding tasks > View tasks of the required employee > select required tasks to skip > Skip


25. How can we give restricted access to candidates for their pre onboarding?

A. Candidates will be able to login to "Candidate experience portal" which has a limited access, where they will be able to complete tasks & access offer letter. Once tasks are assigned to a candidate / offer letter is released, candidates would receive an email with the link to this portal along with the step to login.


26. From pre-offer task to post offer acceptance task, how does candidate get a notification after he accepts. As an HR there is no option to trigger the next task. and candidate is not receiving next task?

A. If a task is configured for "x days after offer acceptance", once the candidate accepts the offer, they will receive a notification of task in their email and will be able to access from the candidate experience portal.


27. Can you please add the feature on the mobile to upload the documents for the employees , as we know it can be done only through laptop?

A. Now, candidates can access Candidate Experience Portal from mobile browser itself and upload documents.


28. Where can we see if the candidate was opened the link of preboading & logged in the portals?

A. Ability to see if the candidates have logged in to the portal or not is not available now.


29. How to send reminder if candidate is not doing the tasks?

A. The option would be available on the 3 dots option once the task is assigned.


30. How can I delete a task?

A. The task cannot be deleted if it assigned to any candidate or employee. Please unassign and try deleting it.


40. Can we directly move to offer letter stage without giving the compensation details?

A. The compensation details needs to be added when we are creating the offer to the candidate. Without providing the compensation details, we will not be able to generate the offer.


41. Are there no reminders for the non completed tasks?

A. We can remind the candidates to complete any non completed tasks by using remind tasks option.



42. After moving to preboarding from Keka Hire do we have to add  the same candidate again?

A. Candidate once moved to preboarding stage in Hiro, will directly reflect under preboarding. Any candidates without hiring process can also be added as a candidate from preboarding stage.


43. Does Keka Hire global admin have access to Keka HRMS global admin rights too?

A. Actually, No. Hiro global admin will not be having the access of HRMS global admin. We need to  add them as a global admin in HRMS separately.


44. How to create the tasks if we don't have admin access.?

A. The tasks can be created by Admin only. However you can still give the access to any user and give the permissions accordingly via User roles & Permissions.


45. We don't receive an email confirmation of documents submitted (as was the case in the previous flow). It appears only as an inbox notification. Can we get an email?

A. You can enable them in the Event triggers section in the Hire settings.


46. Can we get an option to parse the details from the documents uploaded?

A. As of now currently there is no option. We will consider the feedback.