Organization & Employees

Org Dashboard Overview

The Org Dashboard in Keka provides a comprehensive view of your organization’s vital statistics and quick access to various administrative functions. Let's break down each section available in the dashboard and how you can utilize them for efficient management.

Summary Tab

The Summary tab offers a snapshot of your organization's key metrics and actionable insights. Here's what you'll find:

  • Employees Overview (1): Displays the total headcount, registered, invited but not yet registered, and yet to register employees.
  • Pending Actions (2): A summary of pending tasks like documents, expenses, tickets, probations, join tasks, and profile changes.
  • Quicklinks (3): Direct links to frequently used functions such as adding a new employee, creating a new poll, making a new announcement, and accessing Keka Hire. You can also perform bulk operations like adding employees in bulk, updating employee data in bulk, and bulk inviting employees. Also, perform some important bulk import operations such as job details, custom fields and Employee documents. 

  • Quick Reports (1): Access to essential reports including all employees, registered employees, employees in probation, and those in notice periods.
  • Other Reports (1): Includes detailed reports on employee master details, attrition, document status, pending salary revisions, etc.
  • Employee Login Summary (2): A graphical representation of employee login activities over the past 7, 14  or 30 days based on your selection.

  • New Hires and Exits (1): A summary of new hires and employee exits along with their respective departments and dates.
  • Onboarding, Probation, Birthdays, and Work Anniversaries (2) : Lists of employees currently in onboarding, probation, and those celebrating birthdays and work anniversaries.

Analytics Tab


The Analytics tab is divided into three main sections: Headcount by Demographics, Growth & Retention, and Attrition Analysis. Each section provides detailed insights into the organization’s workforce dynamics.

Headcount by Demographics

This section helps in understanding the distribution of employees based on various demographics. It includes:

  • Gender: Distribution of employees by gender (Male, Female, Non-Binary, Transgender, Not Specified).
  • Employment Type: Categorization of employees by full-time, part-time, and other employment types.
  • Worker Type: Differentiates between permanent, contract, freelancer, intern, and not specified.
  • Age of Employees: Breaks down the workforce by age groups.
  • Years in Organization: Shows employee tenure within the organization.

Distribution by Gender, Employment & Worker Type : Shows employee distribution across the organization based on gender, employment and worker type.

A bar graph displaying Headcount by Gender Across Department       

A  bar graph displaying Headcount by Employment Type Across Department

A bar graph displaying Headcount by Worker Type Across Department

Detailed Data Insights

Each section in the Analytics tab allows for detailed drill-downs:

  • View Raw Data (1): Allows viewing of detailed records for each data point.
  • Filters (2): Apply filters such as Business Unit, Department, Location, Date Range, and Worker Type to refine the data view.
  • Insights (3): Provides key insights like the department with most employees, departments with least employees, average age, average tenure, etc.
  • Export (4): You can export these graphs in PNG, PDF, or Excel.

Growth & Retention

This section provides insights into employee growth, retention, and attrition rates:

  • Growth Rate: The rate at which the employee count is increasing.
  • Retention Rate: Percentage of employees retained over a specific period.
  • Attrition Rate: Percentage of employees leaving the organization.


A bar graph displaying Growth rate  



A bar graph displaying Retention rate


Attrition Analysis

This section delves into the details of employee attrition:

  • Overall Attrition: Total attrition numbers and percentages.
  • Years in Organization: Attrition rates based on tenure.
  • Months since Salary Revision: Correlation between salary revisions and attrition.
  • By Demographics & Other Parameters: Analysis of attrition based on age, gender, exit type, exit reason, performance rating, and compensation range.

Employee Reports

This section includes detailed reports about your employees and their statuses:

  1. Employee Info: Access to detailed information about all employees, their roles, job details, work types, and document statuses.
  2. Invites & Registrations: Track the status of invited employees, registered employees, pending registrations, uninvited employees, and those with incomplete profiles.
  3. New Joins & Exits: Insights into employees currently in probation, those pending probation confirmation, onboarding status, probation completed employees, and those in the notice period.
  4. Employee policies & Others: Covers information regarding employee policies including shift scheduling for weekly offs and disciplinary actions.

  5. Logins: Check reports related to login history, failures, email and login disabled employees, never logged in employees, and mobile app installation details.

  6. Employee Demography: Access employee reports for family, contact, blood group, education, past experience, birthdays, work anniversaries, and marriage anniversaries.

  7. Employee Aggregates: Check reports related to job titles, departments, leave plans, org locations, attendance penalisation policies, and expense policies.

Using the Dashboard

The Org Dashboard is designed to provide you with a centralized location for managing your organization’s workforce. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  • Navigate Quickly: Use the Quicklinks to perform routine tasks swiftly without navigating through multiple menus.
  • Monitor Key Metrics: Keep an eye on the summary statistics to stay updated on crucial workforce metrics.
  • Analyze Trends: Utilize the Analytics tab to gain insights into workforce demographics, growth patterns, and attrition rates, helping you make informed decisions.
  • Generate Reports: Access and generate detailed reports on various aspects of your workforce, ensuring you have all the information you need at your fingertips.

By leveraging the Org Dashboard, you can streamline your HR processes, gain valuable insights, and manage your workforce more effectively.