
Managing the Skills Section of the Performance Module



Performance management is a pivotal aspect of any organization's human resource strategy. In an era where skills are the currency of the workforce, effectively managing and updating them is crucial. Our Performance Module offers a comprehensive and sophisticated approach to skill management. As a Performance Admin or HR Manager, you have access to four major tabs within the Skills section, each designed to streamline and optimize the skill management process.


Setting Up Skills: Navigating & Exploring the Settings Tab

As a Performance Admin or HR Manager on Keka HR's platform, setting up and managing skills effectively is a crucial part of your role. The process begins with the Settings tab within the Skills section. Here's how to navigate to this tab and what to expect:

To access the Skills Settings, Navigate to the Performance(1) section, then open the Skills(2) tab and click on Settings(3).

Features in the Settings Tab:

Enable/Disable Skills: The first option you encounter is to enable or disable skills. This is a crucial step, as it determines whether the skills functionality will be active within your organization's performance module.

Skill Terminology: Here you can define what you would like to name your skills as and this will reflect as the terminology for skills across the portal.  This could include alternate terms like "Capabilities," "Competencies," or any other terminology that aligns with the organization's language.

Rating Requirement Option: When you enable skills, you will have the option to determine if ratings are necessary for each skill. This is crucial for evaluating the proficiency levels of employees across different skill sets. If you have not configured rating scales previously, you can easily set them up by clicking on the Edit option.

Setting Up Rating Scales: You can choose from a 3-scale rating to a 10-scale rating. This flexibility allows you to customize the rating system to fit the complex and diverse skill requirements in your organization.

Naming and Describing Ratings: After selecting the scale, you can name each rating label and provide a description. For instance, you might label a beginner level and provide appropriate description for the level. These labels and descriptions help in clearly defining each proficiency level. Once you have labeled all the ratings and added descriptions, click on the 'Add' button to save your customized rating scales. This action solidifies your rating framework within the system.

Once you have saved your rating scales, proceed by clicking on the 'Confirm' button to finalize the process.

If you need to make changes to your rating labels after adding them, simply click on the 'edit' icon. 

From there, you can easily rename and modify the labels to suit your preferences. Remember to save your changes after making all the necessary modifications.

Additional settings: Below the rating scale options, you will find additional settings related to the approval process & who can assign skills for skill updates. 

  • Behaviors for skills enabled: This setting, when enabled, allows behaviors associated with each skill to be defined and evaluated.
  • Approval chain for skills enabled: Organizations can establish an approval chain for adding or updating skills, ensuring that any changes pass through a defined approval process. It allows the organization to define multiple levels of approvers, such as a Reporting Manager, Department Head, etc. There's also an option for auto-approving skills if an approver has not yet been assigned or is unavailable.

  • Who can assign skills:
    • Employee can assign skills to themselves: Allows employees to self-assign predefined skills.
    • Allow employees to create new skills: If enabled, employees can add new skills to the system, which might then go through the approval process if configured.
    • Managers can assign skills to their reports: Enables managers to assign skills directly to their direct reports.

    • Allow managers to create new skills: Managers can create new skills in the system, subject to the approval process if enabled.

By setting up the skills feature through the Settings tab, you lay the groundwork for a structured and efficient skill management system within your organization. This setup ensures that skill-related data is not only accurately captured but also reflects the true competencies of your workforce, ultimately aiding in better performance management and development planning.

Skill Dashboard 

The skills dashboard displays the top skills within the organisation, along with the number of employees who possess each skill. Additionally, it provides counts of employees without skills and employees without ratings.

 A bar chart on the dashboard highlights the 'Top 10' skills within the organization, showing the number of people who possess each skill. This feature is particularly useful for quickly identifying the most common or critical skills, allowing for strategic planning around training and recruitment.

To access the Skill dashboard in Keka, first navigate to the Performance(1) section of your Keka select the Skills(2) tab. Click on Dashboard(3).

Generating the Skill Matrix Report

Beside the dashboard you will see Skill Matrix. The primary step in creating a Skill Matrix report is to select the 'Department' and 'Skills' you wish to analyze. This will form the core of your report, enabling you to see the distribution and proficiency levels of skills within chosen departments. For more tailored reports, Keka HR allows you to use additional filters. Although these are optional, applying them can give you a more focused view. These filters can include 'Category' 'Skill Ratings.'
  • Choose a Department(1) and specific Skills(2) for which you want to review employee competencies.
  • Run(3) the report to view the current standings of each employee concerning the selected skills.

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Downloading the Report

For documentation or further analysis, you have the option to download the report. This can be used for:

  • Talent development discussions.
  • Identifying skill gaps for recruitment or training.
  • Supporting performance reviews and succession planning.

Understanding the Skill Matrix Report

The Skill Matrix report provides a detailed breakdown of each employee’s skill ratings, including:

  • Employee: Name of the staff member.
  • Reporting Manager: The supervisor responsible for the employee.
  • Department/Sub Department: The division and sub-division where the employee works.
  • Location: The geographical or departmental location of the employee.
  • Average rating of the assigned skill: Displays average rating across the organisation for that skill.
  • Skill Ratings: Proficiency levels for selected skills, such as HTML, C++ , etc


Bulk Skill Assignments

In addition to individual skill assessments, Keka allows you to assign or update skills for employees in bulk, which streamlines the process, particularly for large organizations. Here’s how:

  • Use the Import Employee Skill Assignment feature.
  • Download the Excel template provided by Keka.
  • Fill in the necessary skill assignments for each employee.
  • Upload the completed template to update your Skill Matrix in bulk.

Download the Excel template. In this template, fill in the Employee Number (mandatory) skill group (mandatory)skill (Mandatory). 

Save your changes and Upload Excel file back into the system. 

After uploading the Excel file, proceed to match the columns in the subsequent section. In the 'Preview Data' step, carefully review to ensure that all information is displayed correctly. Once satisfied with the accuracy, click on Complete to finalize the process.

Skill Update Requests

To access Skill Update Requests, follow these simple steps Navigate to the Performance (1) section in your Keka HR dashboard Click on the Skills (2) tab & select Skill Update Requests (3).

The Skill Update Requests page is divided into two main sections, each designed to give you a comprehensive view of skill updates within your organization:

Pending Skills Requests:

This section lists all skill update requests that are currently awaiting your approval. As an HR manager or team leader, you have the authority to review these requests and decide whether to approve or reject them. You can approve or reject them from the Actions section.

You can filter requests by department and location, allowing you to manage requests more efficiently based on specific team needs or geographic considerations.

Skill Updates History 

Here, you'll find a log of all the skill update requests that have been made in the past. This historical record is vital for tracking skill development trends and making strategic decisions regarding training and development.

Key aspects of the Skill Updates History section include:

  • Comprehensive Records: Access a complete history of skill updates, providing insights into how skills have evolved over time within your organization.
  • Filtering Capability: Similar to the Pending Skills Requests section, you can filter the history by department and location for a more targeted review.

Skills Repository

The Skills Repository is a centralized area designed for management of your organization's skills. It allows HR professionals or Performance admins to view, add, and organize skills with precision, ensuring that the repository reflects the diverse competencies present across the company.

Adding Skills Individually

To do this click on the Performance(1) tab on the left navigation menu, then click on Skills (2) after which you will see  Repository (3)  please click on it.

In the Skills Repository, you’ll find the Add Skill button. 

On the Add a New Skill to the Repository, you can enter the skill name and provide an optional description for the skill. You can also create and assign any behaviours required for this skill by clicking on +add behaviour.  After filling in the details, Save the entry, and the skill will be added to your organization’s skill repository.Untitled design-15

Adding Skills in Bulk

You can also add skills in bulk. In the Skills Repository page, you’ll find an Import button.

Download the Excel template.  

In this template, fill in the skill name (mandatory) and description (optional). Save your changes and upload the file back into the system.

Save your changes and Upload the excel file back into the system.

Key Points to remember :Ensure each skill name is unique to avoid duplication errors.
The skill name is required for each entry, while the description is optional.

After uploading the Excel file, proceed to match the columns in the subsequent section. In the 'Preview Data' step, carefully review to ensure that all information is displayed correctly. Once satisfied with the accuracy, click on Complete to finalize the process.

Organizing Skills in Categories 

The Skills Repository offers the capability to organize skills in categories, making it easier to manage and assign them to relevant groups of employees:

To create a category, click on the ‘Add Category’ button and define the category's name and description.

After selecting 'Add Category,' proceed to create a new skill category by entering the Skill Category Name and Description, then click on the 'Add' button to finalize the addition of the category.

After you have created a skill category, you can easily add skills to this category. Simply click on the click here link within the category row to open the skill management window, where you can add skills or manage existing ones for the category. Please note that you will be able to select skills you have already created. 

For reviews, you can utilize skills that are exclusively listed under the system's predefined categories.

Untitled design-16By utilizing the Skills Repository tab effectively, you can ensure that your organization's skill database is comprehensive and up-to-date. Whether you are adding skills individually or in bulk, these processes are designed to be user-friendly and efficient, catering to the diverse needs of your organization’s skill management strategy.

In conclusion, Keka HR's Performance Module equips you with a robust and user-friendly platform for managing the ever-evolving skill sets within their organization. The module's comprehensive tools, such as the Dashboard, Skill Matrix, Skill Update Requests, and the Skills Repository, provide an integrated approach to visualizing, analyzing, and updating employee skills. These features enable strategic workforce planning, creating a culture of continuous improvement, and centralize talent intelligence, thereby supporting key HR initiatives like succession planning, talent acquisition, and learning and development.