Managing Shifts & Weekly Offs

Managing shifts and weekly off rules



Keka provides employees with additional work schedule flexibility and control by allowing them to modify their shift schedules and weekly offs. Employers can set rules for such requests on Keka.

Creating Shift & Weekly Off Rules

To set this up, navigate to Time Attend (1) >> Shifts/Weekly Offs & Holidays (2) >> Shift & Weekly Offs (3) >> Shift & Weekly Off Rules (4)

If you have set up shift & weekly off schedules before, you can find them here. To add a new rule, click +Add Rules (5).

Basic Information

On the new window, you can see two steps, in the first one you have to fill in the Basic Information which includes just the Name and Description of the rule. Then click Save & Continue.


Settings (Rules and Restrictions)

In the Settings section, you can select if an employee can Request for shift assignment (1) or Request for Weekly off assignment (2)

If you select any of these, you will be provided with a set of customizable rules which can be utilized to establish protocols for requesting Shifts or Weekly offs. 

If you enable the 'Shift assignment (on weekly off or holidays), and shift change (on regular weekdays) can be requested by employees' option, you will first have to select which Shifts Schedule(s) these rules will be applied to.

Then you can use the available options to set up rules for when and how many times employees can request shift changes.

You can also decide on the approval levels required (if any) for the request raised under this rule.

Similarly, if you enable the 'Weekly off can be requested by employees' option, then also you'll get several options that can be used to set up rules for when and how many times employees can request weekly offs. 

Here also, you can also decide on the approval levels required (if any) for the request raised under this rule

After this, click on Save & Close to add this rule.

Managing Shift & Weekly Off Rules

Now this rule will be available under Shift & Weekly Off Rules and also, from here you can view, update or delete this rule. 

Please note that shift & weekly off rule can only be deleted if it is not assigned to any active employee.

And that's how you can configure and manage Shift & Weekly Off Rules on Keka.

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