
Managing Organization Documents

Managing organization documents efficiently is crucial for maintaining clear communication and ensuring compliance with company policies. In Keka, you can create document folders, add documents, and set access permissions to streamline document management. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you manage organization documents effectively.

Creating a Document Folder


Navigate to the Org(1) section from the left sidebar. Click on the Documents(2) tab. Select the Organization Documents(2) sub-tab. Click on the + Add Document Folder (4) button located at the top right corner.



Fill in the details for the new folder:

  • Name of the folder: Enter a descriptive name for the folder.
  • Short Description: Provide a brief description of the folder’s contents.
  • Set folder access: Choose the access settings for the folder. You can select the legal entities, business units, locations, departments, and worker types that will have access to the folder.
  • Once all details are filled in, click the Add button to create the folder.

Adding a Document to the Folder


Open the folder where you want to add the document. Click on the + Add Document button.


 Fill in the document details:
    • Name of the document (1): Enter the title of the document.
    • Short Description (2): Provide a brief description of the document’s purpose.
    • Allow employees to download the document (3): Check this option if you want employees to download the document.
    • Acknowledgement required from employees (4): Check this option if you need employees to acknowledge the document. If you select this option you can also block access to the portal until the ackowledgement is complete 
    • Add Attachment (5): Upload the document file.

Managing and Tracking Documents


Once the documents are added, you can manage and track them easily:

  • View Documents (1): See all the documents in the folder along with their details like description, last updated date, and acknowledgement status.
  • Edit Document (2) : Click the edit icon next to a document to update its details or replace the file.
  • Delete Document (3) : Click the delete icon to remove a document from the folder.
  • Track Acknowledgements (4) : Monitor which employees have acknowledged the document and view their responses.


To know how employee can views the organization document check out our article here


By following these steps, you can ensure that your organization’s documents are well-organized and easily accessible to the relevant employees. This helps in maintaining transparency and ensures that everyone in the organization is well-informed about important policies and procedures.