
Managing Helpdesk Settings

Putting tickets into different categories is important because it allows them to go straight to the right person who can quickly solve the problem. This makes things more efficient. For admins, it also helps them see patterns in the issues that come up. Additionally, having pre-written responses for common problems lets employees know that their issue is recognized and will be fixed as soon as possible. You can set up these features easily using the settings tab in the Keka Helpdesk. Let us now understand this in detail.


Creating & Managing Ticket Categories

To create ticket categories, click on Org (1) from the left navigation menu. Now navigate to Helpdesk (2) and click on Settings (3). The first tab that you can see under the Settings tab is Ticket Categories (4).

To add a new category click on Add Category (1), and choose the option of Create from Scratch (2) from the drop down.

Now you will be redirected to Add Category screen, where you need to provide the following details,

1. Category Title: An appropriate title for this category.

2. Category Description: A short explanation providing basic information about this category.

3. Category Lead: A designated individual within the organization responsible for supervising and managing all tickets raised within this specific category.

4. Establishing Subcategories: Enable the option of Do you want to spilt this category further? if you want to delve deeper into the issue and assign a dedicated person for better understanding and resolution. 

5. Assigning Category Representatives: Individuals tasked with resolving tickets within the designated category.

6. Category Prioritization: Choose the importance of this category—High, Medium, or Low—and set response and resolution times accordingly.

7. Ticket Escalation: Set up an escalation system to involve employees at different levels if a ticket isn't addressed or resolved.

8. Reopening Tickets: By enabling this option, employees can reopen a ticket if it wasn't resolved to their satisfaction.

Click on Save to create a category.

Managing Existing Ticket Categories

To manage the existing ticket categories, click on the Three Dots placed on each category label to find the option of Edit, Clone and Disable.

Edit : You can edit any category related details such as name, description, assignees and approval chain.

Clone: This option can be used copy the category details of an existing category with a new category.

Disable / Enable : Any category can be enabled or disabled using this option.

Adding and Managing Canned Responses

Canned responses play a crucial role by providing a sense of responsibility to employees, assuring them that their queries will be promptly addressed. Additionally, these standardized messages save valuable time for administrators who can efficiently respond to everyone with consistent messages.

To Add a canned response, click on Add Response. In the Create a Canned Response screen, provide a Title and Message. Click on Create to save your new canned response. 

You can Edit or Delete the existing responses by using the options provided in the Actions tab.

Adding and Managing Closing Responses

In this tab, you can configure various kinds of closing responses based on the tickets resolution. 

To add a new a closing response, click on Add New and provide a Title and Message as the closing response. 

You can also manage the existing reasons by clicking on the Three Dots.

Hope this article was helpful. Have more queries? Reach out to our Products Experts right away!