Manager Actions

Managing expense claims from your team

When employees incur expenses while performing their duties, they may request reimbursement by submitting an expense claim. These expenses may include travel costs, meals, lodging, equipment, and other expenses required for business activities. Once submitted, managers are responsible for reviewing and processing these claims before they can be included in payroll calculations. 

In this article, we will discuss all the features available in this section. Please note that not all features may be visible to you as their visibility depends on your organization's policies. 

To manage expense and travel claims, employees can go to My Team and click on Expenses & Travel. This section is divided into four categories: Waiting for Approval, Approved Claims, Past Claims, and Past Advances.

Waiting for approval

Waiting for Approval or any other section may be divided into titles like Direct Reports and Indirect Reports, depending on your designation and responsibilities. 

First, use the Department Drop-Down to select your department/business unit. Then, select Direct Reports or Indirect Reports. While the Direct Reports (1) section contains particulars of employees who directly report to you, the Indirect Reports (2) contains details of those who report to the manager under you.

If you want to approve pending Advance Request Approvals in bulk, check the boxes (1) against the names of employees in the Employee column. After selecting the employees, click on Approve (2)

Note: Although the following screenshot shows how to manage Pending Advance Request Approvals, you can use the same method to act upon Pending Advance Settlements and Expense Claim Approvals as well.


On the Bulk Approve Cash Advance Request overlay window, click on the drop-down to choose between the two payment modes: Payroll/Outside Payroll. Type in the reason for your decision and click Approve.    

If you want to reject pending Advance Request Approvals in bulk, check the boxes (1) against the names of employees in the Employee column. After selecting the employees, click on Reject (2)


In the text box on the overlay window, type in your reason for the decision and click Reject.


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You can also choose to act upon individual requests. For this, find the employee�s name in the Employee column and click on the icons (1) mark under Actions. On the overlay window that pops up, proceed to Approve/Reject.


Approved claims

This section contains details of employees whose requests have already been approved but are yet to be paid. If you want to, you can reject all claims in bulk here. Select the employees (1) by checking the boxes against their names and click Reject (2).


In the text box on the overlay window, type in your reason for the decision and click Reject.

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You can use the above method to manage Pending Advance Settlements and Expense Claims in Process as well. 

Past claims

All advance settlements and expense claims of your team that have already been paid are shown under Past Claims.

Past advances

This section contains the history of all the advances that have already been paid to your team.


We hope that you found this document helpful. In case of any other queries, please check out our FAQ articles or contact our product experts right away.