Organization & Employees

Managing Employee Profiles on Keka HR


Managing employee profiles efficiently is crucial for maintaining accurate records and ensuring smooth HR operations. Keka HR makes it easy for administrators to manage and
update employee profiles. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to manage employee profiles using the Keka HR system.

Accessing Employee Profiles

Navigate to the search bar(1) at the top of your Keka dashboard. Enter the name(2) of the employee whose profile you wish to access. Click(3) on the employee's name from the search results to open their profile.


Once you click on the employee's name, you will be directed to their profile page. The profile page is divided into several tabs such as About, Profile, Job, Time, Documents, Assets, Finances, Expenses, and Performance.

Updating Employee Profile Information

Click on the Profile tab. If any details are missing, you will see a notification indicating the percentage of profile completion and the mandatory fields that need to be filled in.


In the Profile section, you will see different cards such as Primary Details, Contact Details, Addresses, Experience, Education, and Identity Information. To update any of the information, click on the Edit button in the respective card.



Fill in the mandatory fields marked in red  or edit any details such as First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Nationality, etc. Click on Update to save the changes.


In the Identity Information card, you can add different identity documents that belong to the employee. Click on Add Details to start uploading the details and files.

Select the type of document (e.g., PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport). 

Enter the required details and upload the document file. Click Save to store the information.




Changing employee job title and setting an effective date for job title changes


When you are changing the job title of an employee in the event of a promotion or a move to a different department, you can set an effective date for the change. This information will then be displayed in the employee's Job Details section in a banner. 


To set an effective date for job title changes, go to the Job tab on the employee profile and click on the Edit icon next to the job title. Select Change Job Title Change. Select the new job title and then select the effective date from which the job title change will be in effect. Click on Update to save the changes.


The new job title details and the date from which the new job title comes into effect will be shown on the employee profile now.



Setting Field Permissions

As an admin, you can set permissions for each of these cards to control visibility and edit rights. Click on the Field Permissions link in the Profile tab.


In the Field Permissions page, you can manage which fields are mandatory, who can view or update them, and if any approval is needed when these fields are updated. Adjust the permissions as necessary and click Save to apply the changes.

Customizing Cards:

You can customize the placement of different cards on the employee's profile. Click on Customize Cards under the Admin Tools section.



Select cards you wish to move on the employee's profile by using the rearrange icon and make necessary changes. Click Save to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can ensure that all employee profiles in Keka HR are complete and up-to-date, which helps in maintaining accurate records and smooth HR operations. For further assistance, please refer to the help documentation or contact the Keka HR support team.