Organization & Employees

Managing Contract Workers

Contract employees play a vital role in many organizations, offering flexibility and specialized skills to meet short-term or project-based needs. The Contract Employees feature on the Keka portal offers a simplified solution for managing your workforce effectively. With this feature, you can extend contracts, initiate exits, change contract types, and even convert contract employees to permanent roles. In this article let us explore how to manage contract employees in detail.

To add an employee as a contract employee choose the suitable option while selecting the worker type.

To access and manage contract employees, click Org (1) from the left navigation menu and navigate to Employees (2). Under the employee's tab, click on Contract Employees (3)

Here you will find the list of the contract employees. To sort your search use the filters and the search bar on the top of the tab. You can also sort your search in columns by enabling the option of Show Column Filters by clicking on the Three Dots under the search bar. Additionally, you can also download the data by clicking on the Download Icon.

All the details of employee contract such as type of contract, department and location, contract start date, end date, extensions and current status of the contracts will be displayed on the dashboard. To manage any particular employee click on the Three Dots placed under the Actions tab of each employee. 

The Actions that can be performed are as follows:

1. View Details: The view details option will display all the job and contract related details of the employee.

Change Contractor Type: This option can be used to correct the contract details or change the existing contract details.

3. Extend Contract: This option can be used to extend the contract of an employee. This option will only be enabled if the status of the contract is marked as completed.

4. Convert to Permanent Employee: This option can be used to convert any contract employee of the organization as permanent employee.

 End Contract and Initiate Exit: This option can be used to end contract of employee and initiate there exit. Select a reason for exit from the drop down, set a reason for termination, effective date, last working day and click on Initiate Exit to initiate exit of the contract employee.

Hope this article was helpful.