- Introduction
- Locking or Unlocking IT Declarations
- Locking or Unlock Proof Submission
- Locking or Unlocking Declarations and Proof Submissions from Employee Profile
Apart from the common window for IT declarations, you may also have needs where you need to allow IT declarations for a particular employee without opening up the window for all employees.
This can be handy in a few scenarios:
- When you want to allow new joiners to declare investments after the monthly cut off.
- When you want to give employees with rejected proofs a chance to re-upload proofs without opening the proof submission for all employees.
- You want to allow exiting employees to update investment declarations.
In Keka, over and above the setting of monthly declaration window and proof submission cut-off date, you can lock/unlock declaration submission for selected employee/s after the monthly cut off for declaration has passed.
Similarly, you can lock/unlock proof submission for selected employee/s after the financial year cut off for proof submission has passed.
Here's how you can do this
Locking or Unlocking IT Declarations
Navigate to the Payroll (1) section and click on Payroll Admin (2). Under Operations, navigate to the Income Tax Declarations card and click on Manage IT declaration due date on employee level (3).
A new window will open up where you will see a list of employees along with their declaration submission status.
Select the employees for whom you want to lock or unlock the IT declarations. Click on the Lock Declaration Submission or Unlock Declaration Submissions,
Note - If no changes are made here, then pay group settings for monthly declaration window and financial year cut-off date apply to all employee
Locking IT Declarations
Select the employees you wish to lock by checking the boxes next to their names and click on Lock Declaration Submission at the top of the list.
For an individual employee, you can click on the lock (3) button under the Actions column to do the same action.
A popup will appear, allowing you to confirm the action. You can also choose to send an email notification to the affected employees about this change.
Declaration submission cannot be locked if the monthly declaration submission window is open as per the pay group settings.
Unlocking IT Declarations
Select the employees you wish to unlock by checking the boxes next to their names and click on Unlock Declaration Submission.
For an individual employee, you can click on the unlock (3) button under the Actions column to do the same action.
A popup will appear where you can set a new due date and confirm the unlocking. The declaration window will be auto locked on the new due date set by you.
As with locking, you can notify employees via email.
Note - While selecting the date, the date cannot be after next month's declaration window start date.
If proof submission is locked, unlocking the declarations also unlocks the proof submission till the auto cut-off date.
Locking or Unlock Proof Submission
Navigate to the Payroll (1) section and click on Payroll Admin (2). Under Operations, navigate to the Income Tax Declarations card and click on Manage Proof submission due date on employee level (3).
A new window will open up where you will see a list of employees along with their proof submission status.
Locking Proof Submission
Select the employees you wish to lock by checking the boxes next to their names and click on Lock Proof Submission at the top of the list.
A popup will appear, allowing you to confirm the action. You can also choose to send an email notification to the affected employees about this change.
Note - Proof submission cannot be locked till financial year cut-off date for proof submission.
Unlocking Proof Submission
Select the employees you wish to unlock by checking the boxes next to their names and click on Unlock Proof Submission.
A popup will appear where you can set a new due date and confirm the unlocking. The declaration proof window will auto lock on the date set by you.
As with locking, you can notify employees via email.
Note - Unlocking proof submission for employees does not unlock the declaration submission by default.
Locking or Unlocking Declarations and Proof Submissions from Employee Profile
The actions of locking and unlocking the IT Declaration and Proof Submission status for an employee can directly be done by visiting the employee’s profile as well.
When on the employee’s profile, go to the Finances (1) tab and then click on Manage Tax (2). Under Declarations you will be able to view the status of the employee for both, IT Declaration and Proof Submission.
You can make the required changes by clicking on the Three Dots at the corner of each card and follow the same instructions as stated above for locking/unlocking the IT Declaration and Proof Submission status of the employee.