Performance FAQs

How increment can be defined based on rating?

Once review process is completed, salary revision needs to happen based on performance review ratings. In order to ease the process, now we have given a way to automate the salary increment percentage based on review rating received by an employee.

How to enable this option?

Global Admins and Performance Admins can automate salary increment percentage ranges based on employee ratings. The system will then display salary increments according to these predefined ranges. To set this up:

Navigate to the Performance (1) tab. Click on Reviews (2) . Select the specific review cycle. Go to Finalized (3) and click on Salary Increment (3). Finally, click on Configure Settings (4) to adjust the salary increment parameters.

A new window will appear, giving you the option to "Recommend automatic salary increments to employees." Select "Yes" to enable this feature. If salary increments vary by department, you can choose to disable the "Salary increment percentage is same for all employees across departments" option.

If any organization wants to do it manually, then they can opt for that too. 

When automatic salary increments are selected, in the second stage all the percentages will be selected by default. In any exceptional cases like promotion etc. they can override the percentage using "manual increment" option. Admin can also provide the reason why they are overriding the percentage.

If they want to import the increments manually, then can choose the import option and can upload the increment percentages.

For now, we are only storing the information and showing it to people for reference.

Additionally, new statistics have been incorporated into each phase of ongoing reviews.For instance, upon selecting "Summary & Publish" you will get the Finalized section, two stats will be displayed under that. These stats will indicate the number of employees whose reviews are categorized as 'Yet to Publish' and 'Published'.

    Different statistics are also included at various stages of the review process, like "Launch Reviews", "Reviews in Progress" providing a clear overview of each employee's reviews and highlighting any pending actions that require immediate attention. Admins or individuals in the approval stage can easily view and take necessary actions to expedite the review process.

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