New Features

Making Praises Official with Certificate of Appreciation

You may already be used to getting praise from your peers, managers, or admins on Keka. Well, we've added a more official touch to these praises Certificates of Appreciation!

Alongside the badges you earn, you can now receive a personalized Certificate of Appreciation. This makes your achievements even more official. The certificate will display who praised you and what they appreciated about your work.

And don't worry about who can see your certificate; it's private and only you and the person who gave you the praise can view it. You're free to save it and share it with others whenever you want. 

If you're concerned about changes to how things usually work, you can relax. This new feature integrates smoothly with the existing system for giving and receiving praise. Plus, your certificate will look special, as it'll match the color and icons of the badge you received, giving it a personal touch. 

It's important to note that the usual option for attachments is still there; these certificates are a totally separate feature. So, in short, this new feature makes your achievements official while keeping them private and personalized. Start getting your Certificates of Appreciation on Keka today!