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How to map other locations to the registered location for LWF contribution
The government has introduced the Labour Welfare Fund Act to provide social security to workers. However, this act has only been implemented in 16 out of 37 states, including union territories. The Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) is managed by the state government, which means that each state has its own contribution amounts and deduction frequency (monthly, half-yearly, or annually).
In Keka, the contribution amounts are calculated based on the registered state of the organization. If there are multiple locations, the employer can choose to either deduct the amount based on different office locations or map the secondary locations to a primary registered location.
This document explains how to map other locations to the registered location for Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) contributions so that the employees in these locations will pay the same LWF as per the registered location.
After logging in to the Keka portal, find the Payroll (1) tab. Now, under Settings (2), find the Pay Groups (3). Then, choose the pay group (if you have multiple pay groups) for which you want to edit the LWF details and click on the configure icon (4) in the Actions column.

After clicking on the edit icon, an overlay window will appear where you can see sate-wise location of employees (1). You will need to first select the Signatory (2) from the dropdown menu. Now you can add the states for mapping to the registered location using the Drop-down menu (3).
After adding all the states you require, click the Update button (4).

Now the selected states will reflect under Location of employees linked to state name (1).

Hope this document helps. If you have more questions, please refer to the other articles or do contact us.