Keka Hire FAQs

How to edit a raised requisition?

Learn how to edit a raised requisition in Keka to update hiring requests and manage recruitment workflows efficiently.

Before a requisition gets the final nod of approval on the Keka portal, you can modify it to better align with your department's evolving needs. Here's your guide to making those edits:

The edit option will only be accessible for requisitions that are still pending approval, provided that this feature is enabled in your approval workflow.

Go to the Org (1) module and into the Hiring (2) section where you'll see All Requisitions (3). Click on it and you will land on the All Requisitions sub-tab.

Click on any requisition to open it, then select the pencil icon to begin editing.

Enter the necessary information and then click on the Continue button to proceed to the next page.

The Hiring Team page is optional; you can choose to complete it based on your organization's requirements. Once the changes are made click Update

And that wraps up the process for making changes to a requisition. If you have more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to explore our other resources or reach out to us.