Performance FAQs

How to download employee wise Objective status report?

Employee objectives help employees understand the goals they are working towards. The employee-wise objective status report provides insight into the number of objectives at each stage that are added for a given timeframe.  This allows us to identify which employees have made progress on their objectives and which employees need to update the stages of their objectives.

To download the report, go to Performance (1) and navigate to Reports (2). Here under the Goals (3) card select Employee wise Goal Status report (4).


In the window, select the Timeframe (4) and click Run (5). You can use the other filters to generate a report as per your requirement. Once the report is generated you can click the Download Icon (6) to download it.

Hope it is now clear how to download the Employee wise objective status report. Need more help? You can refer to our other articles available or contact us!