New Features

Customizing Performance Review Email Triggers

You probably landed here because you understand how important employee growth is within your organization, and you want to ensure that performance review cycles run smoothly. We are thrilled to announce some exciting new updates! We are introducing new event triggers that are specifically designed to ensure everyone stays informed about upcoming review meetings and form submissions.

These event triggers cover three key areas: Review Meetings, Review meeting summary submissions, and the submission of Review forms when the process kicks off.

You can enable these triggers by going to the Global Settings (1), then under Communications(2) open Event Triggers (3) and then click on Performance(4).

In this section, you'll discover a list of event triggers that you can activate. The specific ones we're discussing are:

1. Review Meeting has been Submitted

2. Review Meeting Summary to be Submitted

3. Submit Your Review Form

You have the flexibility to customize each of these triggers to align with your company's unique needs. Simply select the trigger you wish to configure, and a page for customization will open up.

Let's take a closer look at how to set up Email Actions. To customize any of the selected Email Triggers, simply click on the three dots next to the trigger you want to modify, and then select the Edit option from the dropdown menu.

In the To section of the email, you get to decide who should receive it. You can choose the person responsible for filling out the review forms, the one who started the review process, or even specify certain people or departments. You can also decide whether to include or hide the CC/BCC in the email.

Next, you simply type in the email's Subject and write the email itself. While doing this, you can use special placeholders for things like the employee's name or ID number. This way, the emails will be personalized for each recipient. You can even create and save email templates for future use, making the process more efficient.

Please feel free to make any necessary adjustments to the email to include details about the review process, deadlines, or any other information you deem essential for reviewers to be aware of.

If you want to further filter the list of recipients of the email, you can add Conditional Criteria by clicking on +Add Conditional Criteria.

In the Add Conditional Criteria window, you can click on +Add new filter. After entering the required information, simply click on Add to apply your filter settings.

With these new event triggers and email actions, managing your performance review process has never been easier.