
Set Up and Manage Awards for Your Employees

Please be aware that this is an add-on feature and contact your account managers for further information.

In today’s competitive business landscape, recognizing and rewarding employee achievements is crucial for maintaining high morale and fostering a culture of excellence. Keka's new Rewards section is designed to simplify and streamline the process of setting up and managing awards for employees. 

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up award programs, nominating candidates, and selecting winners using Keka.

Table of Contents

Navigating to the Rewards Section


From the left-hand menu, click on Org (1) and then select the Rewards (2) tab at the top. This will take you to the main Award Programs page, where you can manage existing programs or create new ones.


Adding a New Award Program

Click on the Add New Program (1) button to initiate the creation of a new award program.


Entering Program Details


Enter the required information, like the program name and description. Assign program administrators who will have the ability to manage, nominate, and choose the award recipients by searching for them. You can assign multiple program admins.



Clearly outline the criteria for eligible candidates for the award program and select the relevant individuals using the include filter, which allows you to specify certain departments, locations, or types of workers who will be part of this award program. In the nominations section, specify whether all employees meeting the specified criteria are eligible for this program, or you select other employees and specify who will be included in this award program.

After entering the initial details, click Create to proceed to the next page where you will configure the awards and review panel.


Configuring Awards and Rewards


In the Awards and Review Panel section, you can add new awards to the program or choose from existing templates. Click on Create new  or Choose from Templates to get started, selecting a template will auto-fill some predefined information, simplifying the setup process.



When setting up a new award, make sure to include the award name, description, and the number of winners. Additionally, you can determine the rewards for the award by selecting from various reward types like Cash, Voucher, or Other.



If you choose from the template click on the Edit  button next to the award to add rewards. You can choose from different reward types such as Cash, Voucher, or Other. For Cash rewards, enter the amount and select the currency (INR or USD). For Voucher or Other rewards, provide the necessary details.


download (3)

Adding More Awards

To include more awards in the program, simply click on the New Award  button and add as many awards as needed for the program.

Setting Up the Review Panel


On the right-hand side, you will find the Review Panel section. Click Add Panelist to include employees who will be part of the review panel. 



You can search (1)  for and select employees to add to the panel. Once you have added all the panel members click on Save (2) .

Finalizing the Award Program


After configuring all the awards and the review panel, review the details to ensure everything is set up correctly. Click Launch to activate the award program. 



Once you click on launch, you will need to set the nomination end date and winner selection end date. Once the dates have been entered, click on the Launch button to officially start the new.

Please note that the nomination end date and winner selection end date can be updated in the edit modal, provided the set date has not yet passed. However, eligible candidates, nominators, title descriptions, and awards cannot be modified.


Once launched you will see Active widget next to the award program.



Nomination Process

Once the award program has been successfully launched, the next step involves nominating employees for the awards.

Global Admin can access the Rewards (1) section to view all available awards for nomination. Simply click on the view icon (2) to access the specific award program you wish to nominate candidates for.
On the next page, click on the My Nominees (1) tab. On the left side, all available awards will be listed. Select the award (2) for which you want to nominate an employee and click on the Nominate (3) button.
Search for the employee you wish to nominate by typing their name in the search bar. Once the employee is found, click on Nominate.
Provide a comment (1) explaining why you are nominating this employee. This comment is crucial as it gives context and justification for the nomination. Click Submit (2) to finalize the nomination.
The nominated employee will now appear in the My Nominees (3) section.


Once the nomination end date has passed and all employees have submitted their nominations for the program, the nominees will be visible in the All Nominees section. Until then, no nominees will appear in this section.


Review and Selection


The review panel will receive notifications about the nominations and will evaluate each nominee based on the provided comments and the award criteria. The panel will then select the winners who will be recognized for their achievements.



As a member of the review panel, you have the ability to access the rewards section and select the winners for the award program by clicking on the view program option.



Within the award program page, go to the All nominees section where you can choose the winners. In the actions tab next to each nominee, you have the option to change the nominee's status. You can select from options: change the nominee to a winner or reject the nominee. You can also bulk select the nominees at once and reject them.

Once the panelists have chosen the winners for all the awards, it is time to announce the winners. As an HR manager or program administrator for the award program, it is your responsibility to make the announcement. To do so, go to the Rewards section and select the specific award program. On the top left section of the page, you will find a button to announce the winners



Once you click on the announce winners button, a page will display the awards along with their respective winners. Proceed by clicking on the Next button to continue with the announcement process.



After clicking next, you will need to select an award presenter (1) by searching for the employee and assigning them as the presenter. Below, you will find a preview (2)  of the certificate for the award. This announcement will be shared directly on the Keka wall (3), and an email (3) will also be sent to the winners.



Click on the send announcement button to officially announce the winners. Once the winners have been announced, the award program stage will be updated to Winners Announced (1). In the winners section (2) of the award program, you will be able to view all the winners of this specific award program.


Managing the award programs

Once the award program has been launched, you will have multiple options available. You have the option to pause, duplicate, or delete the program while it is in draft status.

If the winners have already been announced, the program can only be duplicated to maintain the same setup for a different award program.

Awards in employee profile

Once the winners have been announced, the awarded employees will have their achievements showcased on their profile under the Awards (2) tab in the About (1) section. Here, all the awards earned by the employee through various award programs will be displayed for recognition and celebration.

Also, winning employees can download their certificates from their profile by navigating to the About section and selecting the Awards tab. 

You need to log in as a winner employee for these actions.

By leveraging the Rewards feature in Keka, organizations can create a structured and impactful recognition program that highlights the efforts and successes of their employees, fostering a positive and motivating work environment.