
Introducing Dependent Tasks in Keka Task Templates

New Feature Launching Soon!

What are Dependent Tasks?


Dependent Tasks are a crucial enhancement in task management, allowing specific tasks to be automatically activated upon the completion of preceding tasks. This feature is particularly useful in onboarding processes, where the completion of one task often is dependent on the successful execution of another.

How to Set Up Dependent Tasks


Setting up Dependent Tasks in Keka is straightforward and intuitive. Follow these steps to create a seamless task sequence:

Navigate to Org (1)  tab on the left hand side menu. Go to the Onboarding (2) tab and select Task Templates (3).



To create or edit a Task Template, begin by clicking on the +Add Task(1) Template button or selecting an existing template for modification. You have the option to either create a new dependent task or edit(2) an existing one and establish a dependency on that task.


Define Dependencies:

To establish a dependency for a task, in the triggered section, select dependent on another task from the drop-down menu



Select the task you have already created using the search bar. This task must be completed before the current task is triggered.



Define the due date relative to the completion of the preceding task. Assign task owner and approvers, if required. Identify the departments, locations, or roles to which the task is applicable, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are included. Once this is configured, any new employee who meets the specified criteria will automatically be assigned the task.


Filters applied to preceding tasks will automatically transfer to dependent tasks. It is crucial to remember that you cannot add new filters to dependent tasks that were not already present in the preceding tasks. However, you can further refine the filters selected in the preceding task.

After configuring all the details, you can either click on Create Task or save the changes if you are editing a template.


The task will now be visible in your task templates section, indicated by a specific icon that identifies it as a dependent task.



The Dependent Tasks feature in Keka's Task Templates is a game-changer for organizations looking to optimize their task management processes. By enabling sequential task activation based on dependencies, Keka HR not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that critical steps are not overlooked.

Completing Dependent Tasks in Keka


When initiating the onboarding process for a new employee in Keka, you can set up dependent tasks as part of their onboarding journey. Here's a step-by-step guide to completing these tasks using an example where the task Submit Address Proof  is dependent on the completion of the task Submit Degree Certificates.

Once onboarding is initiated, an inbox notification is triggered for the employee, listing both the dependent and preceding tasks. In our example, the employee will see notifications for both Submit Address Proof and Submit Degree Certificates



The employee must first complete the preceding task, which is Submit Degree Certificates. Select the Submit Degree Certificates (1) task from the notification.  Click on the Continue to Upload button (2)  to proceed with the task.



In the Upload Task section, click on the upload (1) button and upload the certificate, enter the required details (2) for the degree certificate, such as Degree, Branch/Specialization, Year of Joining, Year of Completion, and CGPA/Percentage. If there are multiple certificates, click on Add New (3) on the left-hand side to upload additional documents.

Once all details are entered, click Save Document (4). This allows the employee to save the document and come back later if needed to update details or change the document.



After uploading all necessary documents, Select Upload and mark as complete to finish the task.


This will mark the Submit Degree Certificates task as complete and activate the dependent task Submit Address Proof.



Then in the inbox section select the task status as completed and click on Save