
Integrating Keka Hire with CareerBuilder

The CareerBuilder integration in Keka Hire allows you to post jobs and manage applications directly from the Keka Hire dashboard, streamlining your hiring process with one of the leading job boards in the USA.

Steps to Integrate CareerBuilder with Keka Hire:

Navigate to the Hire section in the main menu, then select Apps to proceed.

In the Org Apps section, find the Job Boards section where you will see CareerBuilder.

Toggle the switch next to CareerBuilder to enable the integration.

A prompt will appear asking for your CareerBuilder Username and Password. Enter these details.  Click Save to complete the integration.

Once integrated, you can publish jobs from Keka Hire to CareerBuilder, with all applications automatically syncing to the respective jobs within Keka Hire. This integration ensures that your job postings are well-managed and all candidate information is centralized.