Performance FAQs

How to update your goal progress as an employee?

Setting goals for oneself is key to growth, but tracking and updating progress is equally vital. Regular updates ensure transparency, highlight achievements, and align priorities with organizational goals.

Let us walk through how employees can effectively monitor and coordinate their efforts in order to achieve their career objectives. Follow this simple guide to update the progress of your goal:

Table of Contents:

1Access Your Objectives

2. Locate Your Objectives

3. Update Progress and Status

4. Verify Your Progress

Step 1: Access Your Objectives

  • Navigate to the Performance tab(1). This section displays all your ongoing objectives for the current timeframe.

  • At the top menu, click on Objectives(2) and select Me (3) to view your personal goals.

Step 2: Locate Your Objective

  • Review the list of your objectives under the relevant timeframe.

  • Objectives might have various statuses, such as:

    • On Track: Progressing as expected.

    • Needs Attention: Requires some adjustment or focus.

    • At Risk: Falling behind schedule.

    • Not Started: No progress reported yet.

Step 3: Update Progress and Status

  • In the Progress tab of your selected objective, adjust the target line to update both the progress value and status. You also have the option to add a note for additional context regarding your goal's progress.

  • A dialog box will open to allow you to input a new value for your progress. Enter the new value in the appropriate field. Use the dropdown to set the current status. Adjust the status based on your progress and challenges.
  • Use the “Note” field to provide context or remarks on the progress. Example: “Completed Q1 targets and aligned on Q2 deliverables.”
  • Click on Update to save your changes. A confirmation message will appear, and the objective's progress bar will reflect the new value.

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Step 4: Verify Your Progress

  • After saving, ensure that your updates are reflected in the list.
  • Progress will appear as a percentage, and the status will align accordingly.

For example, a goal updated to 65% progress with “On Track” status ensures transparency and accurate reporting.


Updating your goal progress is a simple yet impactful way to reflect your contributions and keep your team informed. Follow these steps regularly to ensure that your goals remain achievable and aligned with organizational success.