Performance FAQs

How to define bands for Bell Curve and 9 box model ?

Bell Curve Analysis:

  • Visualization of Performance Spread:
    The purple-filled area (1) represents the actual distribution of performance ratings assigned during the review process. In contrast, the outlined blank curve (2) shows the ideal or expected distribution of ratings across the organization. Comparing the actual distribution with the ideal curve helps organizations identify discrepancies and assess the need for calibration.
  • Departmental Breakdown:
    Performance analysis can be segmented by department, business unit, or manager, providing a detailed view of performance trends and enabling more targeted calibration efforts. 


Let us take a look at how to allocate/assign performance bands.

Navigate to the Performance (1) module and select the Reviews (2) section, where you'll be redirected to the Review Groups (3).

Next, select the required review group from the list, select the review cycle, and click on View progress (4).

During the Post Review process (1), navigate to the Review Analysis (2) section and select the option to View Bands (3).

A new window will appear displaying the rating ranges assigned to each performance band according to the established criteria.

The next step involves navigating to the Calibration(1) section, where you can choose to filter employees by department, business unit, or manager. Next, choose the specific section from which you would like to select employees currently in the review process. Then, click on the Manage (3) option.

You can select multiple employees at once using the bulk selection feature. To do this, check the boxes next to the names of the employees you want to include. Once selected, go to the Band dropdown menu (4) and choose the performance band that matches the assessment criteria for the group.

This feature streamlines the allocation process while ensuring consistent evaluations across your team. After making your selections, carefully review the assignments to ensure they match the intended performance assessments. Once satisfied, navigate to the Calibrators tab to invite calibrators. Finally, complete the process by clicking Finalize Calibration (5).

This step confirms the performance band assignments and transitions the selected employees to the Finalized stage of the review process.


9-box analysis

The 9-box grid organizes employees into nine categories based on two key dimensions: performance and potential, with each box representing a unique combination of these levels.

  • Performance and Potential Axes: The horizontal axis represents performance, moving from low to high, while the vertical axis reflects potential, also ranging from low to high.
  • Metrics for Percentage and Count: Each box highlights the percentage and count of employees within that category, offering valuable quantitative insights.


Hope this article was helpful. For more details refer to this article.