Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to Cancel penalties in Bulk


In certain scenarios, HR managers or payroll administrators may need to cancel penalties applied to multiple employees at once. Instead of manually removing penalties for each employee, Keka HR allows bulk cancellation, saving time and effort.

Begin by clicking on "Time Attend" (1), followed by selecting "Attendance Tracking" (2). Next, click on "Bulk Penalty Management" (3), which will take you to the Bulk Regularization page.

You can refine your search results by applying various filters, such as date range, department, and more.

Choose the penalties you want to cancel for each employee by ticking the corresponding checkbox (1) next to their names in the list. Next, click on the "Cancel Penalty" (2) to proceed with the cancellation process.

In the confirmation popup, enter a comment and then click the "Confirm" button to complete the cancellation process.