
How to generate document with digital signature using DocuSign

In this article, let's see how to get digital signatures on documents generated in Keka using DocuSign.


For a detailed, step-by-step guide on integrating DocuSign with Keka, please refer to our article titled "Integrating DocuSign in Keka."

Generating document with digital signature using Docusign


First, You need to setup a  document workflow when you are setting up a new letter generation template on Keka. To do this, go to Org (1) from the left navigation pane and go to the Documents tab (2).  Go to the Document Templates tab to view the templates or add a new template. 



To create a new letter generation template, click on the +Create Template button and select the Document Generation Template option. 



This will direct you to the Document Template window, where you will find three steps. In the first step, "Setup," you can enter a name and description for your document template. This is also the stage where you can configure the specific workflow associated with this template.

Toggle the slider, if you want to enable a workflow for the document. 



Once you enable the toggle button, you can add multiple steps to the workflow. Each of these steps can be associated with one of three specific actions.

1. Acknowledge  

2. Approval 

3. Signature 


Select Signature (1) in the first step here. Next you have to select digital signature provider as Docu Sign from the dropdown (2).



Next, you need to assign the individuals who will sign the document via DocuSign. In the Assignees field, you can select Employee, Reporting manager, Dotted line manager & L2 Manager. Additionally, you can also enter the name of any employee who is already part of your organization.



You can add instructions for every step in case you want to communicate important information to the assignees at each stage.



If you want to add another step, Click on Add Step(1). If not, click on Continue(2) to go to the Compose(3) section of the wizard. 



You can delete a step from the workflow by clicking on the Delete(4) icon on the top right of each card. 


Signing document using Docusign


After completing the DocuSign step, whenever you generate a document, the designated individual in the document workflow will receive an email from DocuSign, prompting them to sign the document.



Once the individual click on the review document, the individual will be redirected to the DocuSign portal. Here, the individual can add the signature by clicking on the designated signature placeholder.


Follow the on-screen instructions to add the signature. Once the signing process is completed, the signed document will be available in the Keka Portal.