Competencies, Core Values & Job Functions
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Creating, managing and assigning job functions



What is a job function on Keka?

Job function is used as a way to determine what are the various responsibilities and competencies that an employee requires to do their job. A job function is different from a job title in some ways. Job titles are defined by the organization in many ways but they may not necessarily tell you what the various functions that the employee is required to perform as a part of the job. 

To illustrate this clearly, let us take the example of a job title called "Customer Success Manager" who works for a cloud technology firm in the Customer Success department. Here, the employee in this role is required to perform a few important job functions to perform the role. This could be functions such as "Technical support" and "Client Retention". You can also assign weights to these functions to show how important these functions are relatively in the person's role. Let's say that the weights are given as 70% for technical support and 30% for client retention. 

This means that the employee can be assigned objectives for each of the job functions and the completion of these objectives will be considered for their performance evaluation. The relative weights will be considered as well for evaluation. 

How are job functions used on Keka?

Job functions can be assigned to your employees depending on their roles. You can also assign multiple job functions to the same person and assign weights to each. The job function with the highest weightage will be considered as the primary job function and the other one will be considered as a secondary job function. 

Further, you can also add specific competencies against each job function. These competencies help further break the job down into specific skills and characteristics. You can also assign weights to these competencies making it easier to keep track of performance across these competencies to determine how well the employee has performed the job function assigned. 

On Keka, you can also assign various levels to a job function. This is useful in defining how the same job function varies depending on the seniority level of the employees in the organization. For example, if there is a job function called technical support, for an entry-level employee, it could mean gathering initial information from the user and suggesting solutions for simple problems while for a leader in the same team, it could mean proactively handling more complex issues that would need collaboration between teams. Levels thus help you define the same job function across the various levels. 

Creating, editing, and deleting a job function

Let us take a look at how you can create and manage job functions on your organization's Keka HR portal. You can find the different job functions you have configured on the Job Functions page. To access this page, navigate to the Performance section (1) in the left navigation pane. Locate the Competencies and Job Functions (2) tab, then choose the Job Functions (3) sub-tab and proceed by selecting Job Functions (4).

The various job functions that have been created can be found here. You can add, edit and delete the job functions from this page. You can add job functions individually or you can import these in bulk via an Excel file import. Let us take a look at how you can do this. 

Adding job functions individually

To add a job function, click on the +Add Job Function button from the Job Functions window. 

In the Add Job Function window, enter the Name of the job function and the Department Name that is associated with it. You can select if the job function you are adding should be applied to all departments or just the department you select from the list. You can also include a Description for the job function that explains how an individual assigned to this role should fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

There are 2 checkboxes here to consider. The first one is whether to Use Multiple Levels of Job Functions. If you select this checkbox, you will get the option to choose the number of levels you want to define for this job function. Select the number of levels you want from the drop-down.

Each job function also could have some specific competencies attached to it. You can choose to add these competencies when you define a job function. Select the Assign Weights to Competencies checkbox in case you want to assign weights.

You can now enter the Titles for the corresponding job functions and also descriptions. The Title and Description should correspond with the different levels of the job function you want to assign. Let's take the job function Customer Retention as an example. 

For level 1 or junior employees, customer retention would focus on maintaining a good relationship with the accounts that are assigned to them and using this relationship effectively to retain the customers. While for a manager or a team lead, the focus changes to proactive measures that they can take to ensure that the recurring problems that cause customers to leave the organization are fixed within their team. For a senior leadership figure, the same job function would be focused on understanding macro trends and leading cross-functional projects that would solve long-term problems for the customers and proactively ensure a good customer experience which leads to customer retention.

Enter the relevant details in the fields across the various levels to describe how the job function varies across the different levels. You can also add the competencies that correspond to each level of the job function and then also assign weights to these competencies if you have selected this option. Once you have added the Job function title and description for all levels and added the relevant competencies to these job functions, click on Save to add the job function to the system.

Importing Job Functions in bulk

You can also add job functions in bulk by importing these using an Excel template. To do this, on the Job Functions page, click on the arrow next to the +Add Job Function button, and from the drop-down, select Import Job Function

From the Import Job Functions window, click on Download the Excel Template to download the template with which you can upload job functions in bulk. In the Excel file, enter the Job Functions and Descriptions that you want to add to the system.

You can add the various Job Function levels and also add the corresponding competencies. The departments for which the job function needs to be assigned can be selected from the drop-down in the Department column. You can also add Competencies in the Competency Name column from the various competencies currently configured in the system. You can also add weights to these competencies. 

Save the file and then on the Import Job Functions window, click on Upload Excel File and choose the file you have prepared from your system. 


In the Match Columns section, ensure that the columns in Excel are mapped correctly with the fields on Keka. Click Continue to move to the Preview Data section. Here, you will see a preview of the data you are uploading and also see if there are any errors in the file. If there are errors, edit the Excel file to rectify the errors and re-upload the file from the Upload Template section of the page. If there are no errors, click Complete to finalize the upload. 

Click Confirm on the confirmation window to finish. 

Editing or deleting a job function

You can also edit or delete the job functions that you've added to the system. To edit or delete a job function, find the job function from the list and click on Edit next to it. 

On the Update Job Function window, make changes to various details of the job function as you wish and click Update.

To delete a particular job function, click on the Delete Job Function button. Click Confirm on the confirmation window that shows up to delete the job function. 

You can only delete a job function if it has not been assigned to any employee. Remove the job function assignments first before deleting a job function from your organization's Keka portal.


Assigning job functions to employees

You can assign the job functions you've added on Keka to the employees in your organization to help keep track of these objectives during review cycles. Let's take a look at how you can assign job functions to employees on Keka.

To assign job functions, navigate to Performance (1) from the left navigation pane and then select the Competencies and Job Functions (2) tab. On this tab, select the Assign Job Functions (3) tab

From here, you can assign job functions one by one for individual employees. You can also bulk edit job function assignments to all employees from within the Keka Portal. Alternatively, you can also import job function assignments in bulk using Excel imports. Let us take a look at how these assignments can be done. 


Assigning job functions to individual employees

Here, you can see the various employees both with and without job functions assigned to them. To assign a job function to any employee, find the employee from the list or search for them using the search bar. You can also filter the list down to only show employees without job functions currently assigned by selecting the Show Only Employees Without Job Function checkbox on the page.

Click on the Edit icon next to the employee you want to assign job functions to. This will show you fields where you can select the primary and secondary job functions for the employee. The system automatically assigns weights to the job functions you have assigned. If you are assigning both a primary and secondary job function, by default, both of these will be assigned equal weights at 50% each. You can change this and assign the weight you want when you are updating the job function for any employee. Once done, click on the Save icon to finish uploading the file. 

Untitled design (5)Repeat these steps to assign job functions to all the employees you want. 

Assigning job functions in bulk from the Keka portal

You can also bulk-edit to add job functions to the various employees. To do this, click Bulk Edit on the Assign Job Functions to Employees page. This will show you options to add Primary and Secondary Job Functions to the various employees in the list. You can add job functions to those employees who do not have job functions assigned. You can also edit the current assignment of job functions. 

You cannot edit job functions assigned currently to an employee if there is a review cycle currently in progress for that employee.

Edit the current job function assignments or assign new job functions to the employees in the list as per your need. Once you have made the necessary changes, click Save Changes to save the assignments you've made.

Uploading job functions using an Excel file

Finally, the third method to update job functions for your employees in bulk is by uploading an Excel file. To do this, on the Assign Job Functions to Employees page, click on the Bulk Assign button. This will open up a drop-down where you can select if you want to include the details of all employees or only include the details of the employees who do not have a job function currently assigned to them. 

If you select All Employees, you can upload job functions for the employees without one currently. You can also edit the assignments currently present on the system and update them with the ones entered in the Excel file. Choosing Employees without Job Functions will help when you just want to assign job functions to employees who do not have any assigned currently. Choose as you wish. 

From the Import Job Functions page, click on Download the Excel Template. This will download an Excel file to your system that you can use to bulk assign job functions to your employees. 

In the downloaded file, add the Primary Job Function along with weightage in the columns corresponding to the employees you want to add this for. You can also add a secondary job function if you wish and assign weightage to this too. Once you have entered the necessary details for all employees you want to edit this for, save the file. 

On the Import Job Functions screen, click on Upload Excel File and then select the Excel file you have prepared. 



In the Match Columns section of the page, ensure that the mapping of columns in the Excel file to the fields on Keka is accurate. Once done, click Continue to move to the Preview Data section. Here, you can see if there are any errors in the Excel file uploaded. You can also verify the data you're uploading and make any last-minute adjustments you want. 

After you've verified the information, click Complete. 


Click Confirm on the confirmation window to finalize the upload.

This is how you can create and assign job functions in Keka for your organization.  More questions? Talk to our product experts and we will be glad to help you out!

Related Links:

How to add competencies?

How to add/assign Competencies & Job Functions?