Managing Courses

Creating a new course


  • Organizing Your Course with Sections
  •  Adding Content to the Course
    • Adding A Document to Your Course
    • Adding a video to your course content
    • Adding Rich Text Content to Your Course 
    • Adding Quizzes to Your Course
  • Marking content as optional
  • Saving and publishing your course 

Keka Learn works based on courses. You can create new courses on the topics of your choice and create these on Keka Learn. The employees that are assigned these courses can access and go through these courses. Keka Learn also allows you to add assessments in the form of quizzes to assess the employees going through these courses.  

These courses can also be tagged with certain skills to further categorize these. You can also give an estimated duration within which the employees must finish this course.  

Let us look at how you can add a new course to your Keka Learn portal.  

To begin, go to the Keka Learn tab from the left navigation tab to open your Keka Learn portal. 

You’ll be taken to the dashboard section of Keka Learn. You can see the various courses in drafts that have been published here along with some data insights. To add a new course, go to the Manage Courses tab. Then click on the +Add Course button.  

In the Add new Course overlay window, enter the Course Title and a Description for the course. 

Keka Learn supports AI content generation for descriptions. Once you have entered a course title, you can take the help of AI to generate a description for the course. Click on Generate with AI hyperlink to generate a description. 

Once the content is generated,  if you are not happy with the description, you can choose to regenerate the text by clicking on the Regenerate. The description will be generated again. You can use the slider buttons at the bottom to switch between the generated texts and choose the one you like best. 

Click on Proceed once you have entered these.  You will be taken to the course builder page where you can add and manage content to the course.

Organizing Your Course with Sections

The course can be organized into various sections, and content can then be added to these specific sections. Sections help you organize your course better. 

Let’s say we want to create a section titled “Basic HR Policies” and then add few content pieces under here such as the Leave Policy, Employee referral policy and such in this section. Here’s how you can do this.   

Let’s begin by adding a section titled Basic HR Policies. Click on the Section button on the screen to add a new section to the course.  

Enter the Section Title in the text box and click on Create to add the section. If you change your mind and want to go back, click on Cancel or the Delete icon here to delete the section.  

Adding Content to the Course

It is now time to add content to the course. Keka Learn currently supports 4 types of content formats.  

  • Documents 
    Documents in any of these formats can be uploaded to the course.\ 

  • Videos 
    You can embed a YouTube video link to the course. You can use a public or unlisted YouTube video for this. Select the Video section from the add content  
  • Page 
    You can also create rich text content directly on Keka Learn. Use the rich text editor to add content and use it in the course. 

  • Quiz 
    You can easily create quizzes for assessments. You can add single select or multi select questions and do activities like scoring for these quizzes. 

Let us now see how you can add each of these content types to a course.   

 Adding A Document to Your Course

Click on the Document option to add a new document to your course content. 


In the next screen, click on the Browse hyperlink to upload the document from your system. You can also drag and drop the document to this window to upload it.  

Once you upload the document, you can provide a Name and a Description for the same. 

At the bottom of the page, there are a couple of additional options to look at. You can add more resources to further enhance the content and provide more context to the employees. You can upload a document with a maximum permitted size of 10 MB or add a link to an external or internal resource.  

You can also add a Content Duration here to indicate the approximate amount of time that a learner would take to go through this content piece.  

After you’ve added the necessary details, go back to the top of the page and then click on the Create button to add this content to the course.   

Maximum size of the file permitted for upload is 15 MB. 

Adding a video to your course content

Next, let us discuss how you can add a YouTube or Vimeo video as course content. To do so, click on the Video section from the Add Content screen. 

In the next screen, you can add a video link to the course. Add the Vimeo or YouTube URL for the video you want to embed in the textbox and click on the Add icon at the right of the textbox.  

This will add the video to the course. In the next screen, you can provide a Title for this content as well as a Description.  

You can also add additional resources to the video content such as a transcript or a written document to further enhance the content. You can also specify a duration for this content. 

You can also specify the minimum duration for which a learner has to watch the video content before they get the option to skip the content and mark the course as complete. If a minimum duration is specified, the users won't be able to skip the video before this minimum duration has been completed.

Once done, click on Create. 

Adding Rich Text Content to Your Course 

You also have the option to create content for the course using the rich text editor within Keka Learn. To do this, select the Page option from the list of content options.  

In the next screen, enter a Title for the content and also enter the content in the rich text editor. Also enter a duration for the course. Click on Create once you are done.  

Adding Quizzes to Your Course

Finally, you also have the option to add quizzes to your courses. These quizzes can help you assess the learners and ensure that they have gained some knowledge from the course. If you are awarded a certificate at the end of the course or if it is a mandatory course where an assessment is required at the end of it, this is feature for you. 

Let us see how you can add and manage quizzes on Keka Learn.  
To begin, select the Quiz option from the list of content options to add to your course.  

This will take you to the page where you can add and manage quizzes. To begin, provide a title for the assessment. You can then begin adding questions. Enter the question in the textbox. You can use the text editor features to format the question to your liking.  

For answers, you can add single or multiple select answers currently on Keka Learn. Use the drop-down on the side to select if your question is a single answer or multiple answer question.  You can add the options below. In case you want to add more options, use the +Add Option hyperlink.  

You can mark the right answer using the radio button on the right side of the options. This is used for scoring the learners who are attempting the quiz. Click on Add if you are done adding the question.  

You can add more questions using the +Add new question hyperlink on the page. You can also reorder the questions using the drag icons on the left of the questions.  

Further, there are some configuration options that you can use as well. You currently have 3 such options here.  

  • Randomize questions – This will change the sequence of questions everytime a user attempts this assessment 
  • Shuffle Options – Selecting this option will shuffle the options given everytime someone attempts this quiz. 
  • Enable Score – This allows you to score the learners who are trying the assessment. You can further define the score that the learner needs to achieve to pass this assessment. You can also restrict the number of tries a learner can make since you are scoring the quiz.

Select the options you wish to enable from this.  

After you have added all the questions and have set up the assessment how you wish, click on Create to add the quiz to the course.  

Marking content as optional

You can mark some of the content you add in a course as optional. Keka Learn allows you to mark any content you add to a course except assessments or quizzes as optional. 

An optional content will not be counted towards the overall completion of the course. The course completion will be shown as 100% even if the learner has skipped optional content but has gone through all the mandatory content pieces. 

To mark a content as optional, select the Mark as Optional checkbox at the bottom of the page. 

Some key points to note

- A course needs to have atleast one mandatory lesson

- If an optional lesson is changed to mandatory, it will not affect the learners who have already completed the course. Those who are still in the process of completing the course will have to complete this new mandatory lesson as well.

Saving and publishing your course 

After you have added all the necessary content, you can choose to preview or publish the course. On the course screen, click on the Preview hyperlink to preview the course.  

The preview of the course will show up on a new page. You can go through the various components of the course and also see how it works without worrying about how it effects your progress or data in this preview.  

Once you are satisfied that the course is correctly structured, publish the course by clicking on the Publish button

On the Publish Course screen, you have some options to further enhance your course. You can add or change the course image by clicking on the Add Image button at the top.  

You can also add some skills that are relevant to the course. If you have skills aready added from other courses, you can search and add these to the course. If not, you can always add new skills. 

You can also search and add some categories for each course that helps you segregate these. To add a course, enter the category in the text box to select and add a category or add a whole new category 

Finally, you can add the number of days in which the course needs to be completed by the learner as well as if the course needs to be attempted in the order it is made. Select the options as you wish.  

You can now select Save for Later if you want to publish the course later or select Publish Now to publish the course immediately.  

Now your course is published, and ready for learners to access!  
Hope this article was helpful in understanding how you can create a course on Keka Learn.  Happy Learning!