Leave Management system

Configuring Incident Based Leave Type

Keka offers a flexible leave management system that can accommodate a wide range of leave types tailored to the specific needs of an organization. In this article we will discuss , how organizations commonly configure Incidental Leave.

Incidental Leave

Incidental Leave is tailored for specific, often unforeseen circumstances that require immediate attention. This leave type is particularly useful for incidents that necessitate a quick response, and the configuration options in reflect this unique nature. Incidental Leave can be configured to address particular events such as medical emergencies, family emergencies, or other urgent incidents. 

Examples of Incidental Leave include:

  • Sick or Medical Emergency Leave: For employees needing to take time off for sudden medical issues affecting themselves or immediate family members.
  • Family Emergency Leave: To address urgent family matters that require an employee's presence.
  • Other Urgent Incidents: Any other specific incidents defined

Setting up Incidental Leave Type

Configuring incidental leave involves several steps and settings similar to the regular leave setup. Here are the detailed configurations for each section:

  1. Accrual
    1. Yearly quota
  2. Leave Application
    1. Leave Application Rules
    2. Leave Application Restrictions
    3. Leave Usage Limits
  3. Approval
  4. Probation
    1. Leave Application for Probation

  5. Notice Period 
    1. Leave Application for Notice Period

1. Accrual 

In this section define the accrual process for the incidental leave 

a) Yearly Quota

  • The leave calculation can be selected in either Days or Hours.
  • You can set a specific number of days as the yearly quota or choose the option for Unlimited leave.

Once you have entered the details for the yearly quota, click on "Save and Next" to proceed to the next section.

2. Leave Application

In this section, you will establish guidelines for the leave application process for the Incidental Leave type.

a) Leave Application Rules
  • Allow half-day leave: Enable this option to allow employees to take half-day leaves.
  • Prior notice needed: Specify the number of working days' notice needed for taking leave.
  • Restrict employees from applying for backdated leave: Set this to limit how many days after the leave date employees can apply for leave.
  • Comment is mandatory when requesting leave: Require employees to provide a reason when applying for leave.
  • This leave will include all weekly-offs and holidays that fall within the leave duration: If selected, the leave duration will encompass any weekly-offs and holidays.

b) Leave Application Restrictions
  • Attachments are mandatory if the leave request exceeds X days: Require documents for leave requests that exceed a certain number of days.
  • Leave applications are not allowed earlier than X days before the leave start date: Set how many days in advance leave applications can be submitted.
  • Cannot be availed along with: Restrict combining this leave with other specified leave types.
  • Manager cannot override restrictions when requesting for leave on behalf of the employee: Ensure managers adhere to the same restrictions as employees.

c) Leave Usage Limits

  • Employee cannot avail more than X day of leave in a month: Set a maximum limit for leave days within a month.
  • A minimum gap of X days between two leaves is mandatory: Define the mandatory gap between two leave requests.
  • How many times this leave can be taken: Limit the frequency of taking this leave (monthly, yearly, or tenure-based).

Once you have entered the details for the Leave application settings, click on Save and Next to proceed to the next section.

3. Leave Approval Chain

In the Leave Approval Chain section, you can establish the approval process for leave requests. Create a chain of approval with multiple levels, assigning roles or specific employees. You also have the option to enable auto-approval if the approver is unavailable, as well as the option to prevent emailing approvers for every request to reduce email clutter. However, approvers can still view these requests as part of their email digest.

Once you have set up Approval chain settings, click on Save and Next to proceed to the next section.

4. Probation

The probation section allows you to configure how incidental leave is accrued and managed for employees during their probation period.

a) Leave Application for Probation:

  • New joiners can request leave after X days of their Joining Date: Set the number of days after joining when new employees can start requesting this leave type.
  • Maximum X days of leave is allowed during probation: Limit the number of leave days allowed during the probation period.

Once you have set up probation related settings for leave application, click on Save and Next to proceed to the next section.

5. Notice Period

The Notice Period section enables you to set up the notice period-related settings for this specific leave type.

a) Leave Application for Notice Period:

  • Employee in notice period (resignation) can avail this time-off: Allow employees to take this leave type during their notice period.

Click Save and Close to save the configuration for incidental leave type. These settings help manage incidental leave efficiently, ensuring clear guidelines and approval processes while accommodating the specific needs of your organization.

By offering detailed and customizable options for Incidental Leave type, Keka HR ensures that organizations can manage their leave policies effectively, providing employees with the necessary flexibility and support to handle various personal and professional situations.

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