Leave Management system

Configuring a Comp-off

Keka HR provides comprehensive leave management solutions that cater to various leave needs within an organization. Among these, Comp Off is  essential for managing non-standard work schedules and leave scenarios.

Comp Off (Compensatory Off)

Comp Off, or Compensatory Off, is designed for employees who work beyond their regular working hours, including weekends and holidays. This leave type allows employees to earn time off as compensation for the extra hours they have worked. The configuration options for Comp Off in Keka HR are tailored to ensure fair compensation for additional work hours, promoting a balanced work-life environment.

Setting up Comp Off Leave 

Configuring Comp Off (Compensatory Off) leave involves setting up the leave type in such a way that employees can avail time off as compensation for extra hours or days worked. The configuration can vary based on whether you choose to calculate the leave in days or hours. Below is a detailed explanation of the options available during the setup process.

  1. Accrual
    1. Yearly Quota
    2. Requesting for Comp Off Credits
    3. Accrual Restrictions
  2. Leave Application

  3. Approval

  4. Year End Processing

    1. Carry forward

1. Accrual

In the accrual section you will determine all the settings related to accrual of leave

a) Yearly Quota: You need to select if you are going to award this leave type in Days or Hours

b) Requesting for Comp Off Credits:
  • Allow employees to request credit for comp-off: Enable this option to allow employees to request comp-off for extra work done.
  • Employees must request within: Define the number of days within which employees must request comp-off from the date they worked.
  • Maximum allowed instances: Set the maximum number of instances comp-off can be requested within a specified period (month, quarter, half-year, year).
  • Employees can only request comp-off credit for non-working days: Restrict comp-off requests to non-working days such as weekends and holidays.
  • Comp-off credit is not allowed for dates with no attendance: Ensure comp-off is only credited for days with attendance records.
  • Allow reporting managers to award comp-off credits: Enable managers to award comp-off credits to their team members.


c) Accrual Restrictions:
  • Leave expires after: Set the number of days after which the comp-off leave will expire from the date of credit.

Accrual restrictions section is only available if you choose Days in Yearly Quota section.

Once you have entered the details for the Accrual section, click on Save and Next to proceed to the next section.

2. Leave Application

This section has different configurations depending on whether you have selected days or hours for comp-off.

If you choose Days as the option, the following settings will be displayed in the leave application section:

a) Leave Application Rules:

  • Allow half-day leave: Allow employees to take half-day leaves.
  • Prior notice needed: Employees are required to provide advance notice (specify the number of working days required) when applying for leave for a duration of x days or more.
  • Restrict employees to apply for backdated leave: Restrict backdated leave applications within a specified period.
  • Comment is mandatory when requesting: Make it mandatory for employees to add comments when requesting leave.

b) Leave Application Restrictions:

  • Cannot be availed along with: Restrict specific leave types that cannot be availed along with comp-off. You can restrict multiple leave types.
  • Manager cannot override restrictions: Prevent managers from overriding leave application restrictions.

c) Leave Usage Limits:

  • How many times this leave can be taken: Set a limit on the number of times comp-off can be taken within a month, year, or tenure.

d) Sandwich Policy:

  • The section on sandwich policy functions similarly to the Regular leave type settings. Click here for detailed instructions on setting up the sandwich policy settings.

If you choose Hours as the option, the following settings will be displayed in the leave application section:

a) Leave Application Rules:

  • Prior notice needed: Require employees to give prior notice for applying for leave.
  • Comment is mandatory when requesting: Make it mandatory for employees to add comments when requesting leave.
  • Restrict employees to apply for backdated leave: Restrict backdated leave applications.


3. Approval

Establish an approval chain for leave requests, including when employees request comp-off, which also requires approval.

  • Leave request requires an approval: Enable if leave requests need approval.
  • Approval Chain: Define the approval chain with different levels and assignees.
  • Auto-approve if approver is missing: Automatically approve if the approver is missing.
  • Do not email approvers for every request: Disable email notifications for each leave request.

4. Year End Processing 

a) Carry Forward:

If you opt for Days as the selection, these configurations mirror the carry forward settings for the Regular leave type. You can refer to that section by clicking here.

If you opt for Hours as the selection, begin by selecting the option for handling any remaining leave balances at the end of the year. Choose from the dropdown menu based on your organization's policies

  • All leave balances are reset
  • All leave balances get carried forward
  • Carry Forward upto limit
If opting to carry forward leave up to a set limit, you can then select whether a percentage or a fixed number of hours should be carried forward or paid to employees. In the case of selecting a percentage, specify the percentage of hours to be carried forward if the balance exceeds a certain number of hours. Additionally, establish a limit on the number of hours that can be carried forward.

By carefully configuring these options, you can ensure that the comp-off leave policy is tailored to meet the needs of your organization and employees, providing flexibility while maintaining compliance with company policies.

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