Analytics & Reports

Compensation Planning





The compensation planning feature allows users to get a sense of what the total compensation cost you are bearing. You can also get a quick overview of projected compensation expenses for the upcoming months. This data is visually presented in a graph, organized by months. 


The expenditure is categorized into three types: Fixed Pay, Bonus, and Others. Fixed Pay represents the total compensation for all employees, while Bonus payments are additional payments outside the regular salary structure, made for various reasons. The Others category includes all other expenses apart from salaries and bonuses.


If there are multiple currencies configured for your organization you need to switch the currency option, this can be done by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to the currency type.


Viewing the Compensation Cost


The Compensation Cost - Upcoming Months graph displays the projected expenditure for the organization. It showcases the planned monthly expenditure based on the organization's data. Any variations in the graph will only occur when new employees join or existing ones leave the organization. This change in data will automatically get updated.

Below the graph, you will find the amount spent in each category.



Viewing the Monthly Expenditure Report

In the next section, you will find a detailed monthly expenditure report. This report includes information such as the number of employees, compensation cost, fixed pay, bonus, other expenses, and the final cost. If there are any new hires, you'll see changes highlighted in green, indicating the addition of employees and an increase in costs. Similarly, when employees leave, it will decrease the estimated final cost and be represented in red.



Keka provides an option of filters where in you can easily search for the data based on the filters and easily view the data.


You can filter the search by department, location, job role and salary. 



Furthermore, you can quickly download the required information with a single click. Just click on the download icon located below the search tab, choose the document format, which can be either Excel or PDF, and the data will be downloaded instantly.



In summary, this tab offers a concise overview of forthcoming financial expenses. This valuable information helps organizations understand their expenditures and make informed plans.