Organization & Employees

Bulk importing Employee job details



If you are new to Keka and want to add job details for all your employees at once, or if you want to make changes to employee job details after a restructuring, bulk-importing is a great option for you. Essential job-related information for employees, such as legal entity, business unit, job title, department, location, reporting manager, dotted line manager, policies, and shift timings can be added or updated in one go using an excel file. This option eliminates the need for individual manual updates.


Who can import employee job details?


This option is exclusively available for global administrators to make updates on behalf of employees.


Where can you import the job details from?


This can be done from the following locations. 


1. From Global settings

2. From the quick links section on the Org Dashboard. 


1. Data Import option from global settings


Click on Global Settings(1) from the top of the portal and go to Data Import(2). In this section, we find an option for Employee Job Details(3) under the employee category. Click on Import New Data(4).



2. Data import from the quick links section on the org dashboard


You can also find the option of importing employee job details from quick links in the org dashboard.


Go to Org(1) and in the  Dashboard tab we can find the option of Import Employee Job Details(2) in the bulk operations section click on it. 



Import Process

From both of the locations above, you will be taken to the Import Employee Job Details page. 


Click on Download the excel template (5) hyperlink. 



The template can be downloaded with the data of the whole set of employees in the organization or a selected set of employees. You will be asked to make this choice in the next screen. 


Choose All Employees if you want the data for all the employees to be included in the excel template. Choose Only group of employees if you want to edit the details only for a particular section. You can filter the list using options such as the Date of Joining, Business Unit, Department, Location, Cost Center, and Job Title


The excel template will be downloaded with the selected group of employees included in this. 



Update the details in the excel file. The columns that are marked in red color are mandatory and must not be left empty. If there are details already present in the system, the information will be updated with what you include in the excel file. If the information is not present, this can be added in the excel file and it will be added to the Keka HR Portal. 



Once you are done adding the details to the excel file, click on the Upload excel file button on the Import Employee Job Details page to upload the edited template. 



You will be taken to the Match Columns tab once you select the file to upload. Here, you have to match the columns on excel with the fields on Keka. Click on Continue to move to the next tab on this page, the Preview Data page.

Any errors you make in the excel file while entering the data will be shown here. Rectify those errors and re-upload the excel sheet to proceed. Make sure that there are no errors in the data you are uploading from this page. Click on Complete to finish uploading the file. 



This completes the steps of importing employee job details.