Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to view locations tracked through Webclock in and Remote clock-in?

When marking your attendance through Web clock-in or Remote clock-in the location of the device is captured. Web clock-in will capture the location if the location access is granted however it is not mandatory but for Remote Clock-in the location access is mandatory. We cannot remote clock-in if the location access is not granted. The location captured in Keka can be viewed in the following ways:

1) Employee View of Location:

Employees can view the location that is captured in Keka by going to Me (1) and selecting Attendance (2). Here under Logs & Requests, you can see Attendance Logs, where the attendance of the employees will be visible. Here, if the location is captured for any day, you can see a Location Pin (3) between the Attendance Visual and Effective Hours. Click on the Pin and the location that is captured will be displayed.

2) Admin view in Employee Profile.

Admins can also view this same map by searching for the employee in the Global Search and going to the employee's profile.

Here move to Time (1) and select Attendance (2). Then scroll Down to Logs & Requests and under Attendance Logs (3) you can see the Location pin (4) for days that have the location captured. Click on the pin and you can see the location as displayed above.

3) Download Report

The Mobile Location punch report displays the location captured by Remote Clock-in done from Keka Mobile App. Then we have the Remote Clock-ins Report which will display the location tracked through Remote Clock-in done from Browser.

To download the report, go to Time Attend (1) and select Reports (2). Here, under Categories, go to Attendance Request Reports (3), and you will see Remote Clock-ins (4) and the Mobile Location Punches (5) report.

You can use these reports to get the Latitude and Longitude of the Location in which the Remote Clock-in was done.

Hope it is now clear how to check the location when captured through Remote Clock-in or Web Clock-in. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available.

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