Keka Hire FAQs

How to update permissions of a role in Hire?

During the hiring process, organizations determine their requirements, plan their recruitment strategies, and select the best candidate for a job vacancy. This responsibility falls on various individuals, including hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers. However, due to certain circumstances, we might have to edit the role of an employee and align the user to different permissions. 

Below is the path for the same - 

Navigate to the Hire section (1) and select the Settings (2) tab. From there, proceed to the Users Management section (3) and click on the Roles (4) option. You will find an option to navigate to the Keka Global Settings (5) to configure the privileges.

Then you can add a new role by clicking on + New Role (1) or you can edit the existing one by clicking on the pen icon (2). 

Both will redirect you to the same page as shown below.

Navigate to the Permissions (1) section on that page. Here, you will see various checkboxes (2) corresponding to different permissions. Select the checkboxes for the permissions you wish to assign, and additional options will appear. Choose the specific permission you would like to enable.

Any role with Hire permissions will have a badge next to it saying it has Hire Permission.

This is how you can set permissions for the Roles in Keka Hire.