Performance FAQs

How to update cycle settings?

A review cycle is a performance management process in which the overall performance of an employee in a particular time frame is evaluated. 

Let us take a look at how to edit a Review cycle settings. 

Navigate to the Performance (1) tab, then click on Reviews (2) & you will be directed to Review Cycles (3) under Active/upcoming Tab.

Select the Review Cycle (1) in which you wish to make changes & then click on the three dots(2) next to the Review Instance(3) .

Click on edit to access the Review Instance settings.

Make the necessary adjustments in the relevant tabs based on your requirements. You can modify settings in the Reviewers or Review Form, as well as the Review Meeting, Summary & Publish, Timelines, Visibility, and Map Employees sections. Simply click on any of these tabs to access and implement your changes.

Note: You cannot make changes to all the settings once the reviews have been launched


Once you have made the changes, click on Save to save the changes.