Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to stop Leave accrual if the leave balance of an employee is more than x days?

At the end of a leave calendar year, if the leave balance of an employee are carry forwarded then the leaves keep accumulating every leave calendar year if the employee doesn't apply for this leave type. Now in case you want to restrict accrual of leave after the leave balance reached a certain number you can do so in Keka.

To do this go to Time Attend (1) and select Leave (2). Here under Leave Plan select the Leave plan (3) and the Leave Type (4) you want.

Now under options select Settings.

Now under Accrual (1) , go to Accrual Restrictions (2) and check the box "No leave is accrued if an employee is on leave for more than ___ days in previous Month" and enter the maximum number of leaves an employee can have at any point in time. Once this is done Click Save Changes (4).

Now, for any employee whose leave balance equals or exceeds the number entered, there will be no further leave accrual.

Hope it is now clear on how to stop accrual if the employee leave balance is x or more. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available or Contact us!