Performance FAQs

How to rollback review cycle once it is completed?

While the review for all the employees is finalized & released, in certain cases due to unexpected circumstances such as an incorrect interpretation of the question or the wrong calibration submitted, the performance admin may wish to have an employee's review rolled back again. In this scenario, Keka offers the admin to roll back the review.

Let us take a look at how can we roll back a review cycle once it is finalized.

Navigate to the Performance (1) module and select the Reviews (2) section where you'll be redirected to the Review Cycles (3) and select the required Review Cycles from the list and under Completed Review Cycles click on View and Manage (4).

In the Summary & Publish (1) stage, you'll see the list of employees whose review is already completed & released. Click on the 3 dots under the Actions column where you'll see the option to Rollback Review (2). 

Enter the Comment for rollback(1) & click on Confirm(2).

The review cycle is now successfully rolled back.